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I bet it’ll end up as a “gift” to a supreme court judge from a rich fascist with business before the court.
Quick, someone check to see if this copy has anything in it about making Christianity the state religion.
No need, just say there is and we’ve deliberately destroyed education and society to the point functional illiteracy is probably 50% of the population.
Fact checking my guess: " According to a 2020 report by Gallup based on data from the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of adults in the United States lack English literacy proficiency.[2]"
Just like their pastors tell them what’s in the Bible when they go to church. And they don’t bother checking.
I wouldn’t want to read that book either.
No need 1A speaks to that:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
No need. America is a nation who’s founder where largely of one religion but they ensured that no one religion should assert itself over others.
David Barton is on the case!
What’s up with most lowercase “s” looking like “f”? It’s not all of them too. Take a look at “congrefs”
Complete with the stupid tall f-s characters.
That’s a lot of money for toilet paper.
Edit: You downvoters must have a lot of faith in what our politicians are doing to the Constitution…
Having faith in politicians and liking a document designed to ensure the preservation of human rights & liberties are two different things.
a document designed to ensure the preservation of human rights & liberties
How has that been going lately?
I’d say pretty good. How often do you see the federal government passing a law that violates the rights of the American people? And when it does how often can you say that there isn’t a constitutional violation in that law?
Additionally you say that like we don’t enjoy many rights that our global peers don’t. Like the right to a trial by jury in civil matters, to confront your accusor in a criminal trial, the many strict protections we have on searches, or the protections on political speech.
So many of the rights that document protect people take as granted. Most every violation of one of those rights can be declared to be because we have yet to enumerate that right or we haven’t followed the rules the constitution imposed on our government.
The rights that US citizens enjoy are standard across the overwhelming majority of our global peers, for any sensible definition of peer.
we haven’t followed the rules the constitution imposed
A good constitution would be less ignorable. We ignore the words ‘well regulated militia’, for example.
Part of the reason Russia succeeded in getting trump elected is because our system, as laid out in the constitution, allows the person who got less votes to win sometimes. That’s bad design.
How often do you see the federal government passing a law that violates the rights of the American people?
Law. You’re cute.
And what crime passed by the federal legislature did they commit that wasn’t in violation of the constitution (including BoR) in your opinion? Last I checked 1A is still there.
And what crime passed by the federal legislature did they commit that wasn’t in violation of the constitution
Hey! You finally got my point! They use it as toilet paper.
As far as the First Amendment, remember when Trump respected a bunch of protestors’ First Amendment rights by gassing them so he could take a photo op by a church and there were zero repercussions?
Toilet paper.
It created the flimsy disfunctional bribe machine that brought us to where we are today - it was toilet paper from the beginning.
Funny enough, I was gonna comment something snarky about toilet paper when I posted this, but didn’t.