• ArbitraryValue
    5 months ago

    Wasn’t there a 3.5 build that could in theory throw the moon?

    • skulblaka
      5 months ago

      [This](https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?166459-(3-5\)What-is-it-that-makes-the-Hulking-Hurler-War-Hulk-so-powerful) seems to be the thread in question. This was a very fun read. With just a little bit of cheese, not even that much honestly, a War Hulk/Hulking Hurler can be brought up to the point of throwing entire galaxies. Several Gurren Lagann references abound.

      In short, the build courtesy of Halae in that thread:


      Race: Centaur

      This build uses the elite ability score array: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8. All ability score increases are dumped into Str.

      ECL Class/HD/LA Feats Special

      1st monstrous humanoid Power Attack

      2nd monstrous humanoid +2 Str (17)

      3rd LA +2 Str (19)

      4th monstrous humanoid Cleave +2 Str (21)

      5th LA +2 Str (23)

      6th monstrous humanoid Large size

      7th Lolth-touchedMM4 template LA +6 Str (29)

      8th barbarian rage (33 str)

      9th war hulkMH Point Blank Shot +2 Str (31/35)

      10th war hulkMH +2 Str (33/39)

      11th war hulkMH +2 Str, ability score increase (36/40)

      12th war hulkMH Weapon Focus (50-lb rock) +2 Str (38/42)

      13th hulking hurlerCW really throw anythingCW

      14th war hulkMH +2 Str (40/44)

      15th war hulkMH Brutal ThrowCAd +2 Str, ability score increase (43/47)

      16th war hulkMH +2 Str (45/49)

      17th war hulkMH +2 Str (47/51)

      18th war hulkMH Natural HeavyweightPlH +2 Str (49/55)

      19th war hulkMH +2 Str, ability score increase (52/56)

      20th hulking hurlerCW overburdened heaveCW

      Munchkin-Size Me

      You can use the standard point buy to max out strength instead of getting the elite ability score array. (+3 = 59)

      Belt of giant strength +6 (= 65)

      Manual of gainful exercise +5 (= 70)

      A runePGtF FRCS of righteous might will give a +4 size bonus to strength and increases your size to huge. (= 74)

      A runePGtF FRCS of divine power will increase your BAB by 10. (It, also, gives a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength—which overlaps with the belt of giant strength—and at least 7 temporary hit points.)

      At this point 2,863,104 lbs is a light load. So you can throw an improvised weapon doing 14319d6+32 points of damage (50148.5 average; damage reduction? What’s that?), and your attack bonus is (+17 BAB, +32 Str, −2 size, −2 improvised thrown weapon =) +45. Anything with an AC less than 48 can only be missed on a natural 1.

      Overburdened heave: 28635d6+32 (100254.5 average)

      add iron golem arm +12 ac d2 25/+2 +4 con and +12 str ( 92str (when raging)) 4 a +3 lv adust (can be taken at amy time)(give a gauntlet of rust to immune to rusting)

      • ramble81@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Ah Gurren Lagann. I loved how over the top it just kept getting with its scaling.