Inviting chill nonhostile armchair philosophers. Topic: taxes. What are your thoughts on taxes in relation to your ideal government? No mention of parties nor ideologies please.

My thoughts: I am in one of the poorest counties in my state and when voting rolls around, every vote is whether to repeal raises in taxes done by the government without consent of the people. I view that as fundamentally wrong.

I will also say I would not tax personal income nor property. It is not a feelgood thing to have 10 acres and if i make a really nice house on it that means I have to pay more. Incentives are wrong there. I should feel only good about improving my home.

Business taxes tho I agree with but think are typically done wrong. Government should never be raising taxes in my county like they do. Let’s say we are a government getting 10$ a year from a business making 1000$ a year because taxes are 1%. But we need 20$. The solution according to my current local politicians is to raise taxes to 2%. But there is another, more moral solution. We could also keep taxes 1% and pursue legislation that results in our 1000$ business instead bringing in 2000$ per year. This way we are not just a parasite draining more and more from our people. We get more money BECAUSE OUR PEOPLE GET MORE MONEY. A moral government, according to me, should have little taxes but across the board on all businesses it values. It should never raise them; they are to tie the wealth of the government to the wealth of it’s people. Then, it should focus not on parasitically draining more and more, but keep them forever small and focus on raising the prosperity of it’s people. Through the prosperity of it’s people should the moral government allow it’s own prosperity.

And that is my view on taxes (tariffs are another topic).

please, if you are a peaceful armchair philosopher like me, share your own ideal tax system or lack thereof! Thank you :)

  • Universal MonkM
    3 months ago

    I think that flat tax would be ideal. Except it shouldn’t be applied to food, education, or medical.

    Then no tax time at end of the year. Cuz it’s already done–year round. And the rich would actually pay more taxes, because they buy more stuff.

    If you live a frugal life, you’re paying less taxes, cuz your buying less stuff.

    And as long as it’s not applied to food, then it shouldn’t negatively effect lower income brackets.

    And no tax cheats, because even if they only got paid in cash/bought stuff with cash, still taxed because goods are taxed. So people who do shady “cash only” deals, are still paying taxes.

    And I bet since everyone would be paying, more taxes would be collected, but I bet the average tax-payer would pay nearly the same or even less than what they pay in taxes now.