I know Mitt Romney is part of the two-party system, but he also stood up against his party by voting for Trump’s impeachment and not once endorsing Trump for President.

This is his closing speech since he’s retiring, and I think the message is worth listening to, especially since it seems to be an end of a moderate era for the GOP.

Anyway, perhaps this can open a discussion about the value of centrist politicians. Or whatever other thoughts you may have.

  • Pretty tame speech and nothing really stood out to me. In researching him a little, it’s interesting how he survived being the one republican to vote to impeach Trump and that apparently the support he gained from democrats outweighed the support he lost from republicans (at least in Utah according to wiki). It’s like a choice he made when given the opportunity that furthered his role as a centrist in the eyes of the people ~while also being a centrist allowed him to transcend party lines with his vote; which seems absolutely crucial, to me, for someone being able to make their own decisions instead of be a pawn. thanks for sharing