ID: Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck next to a poster saying “CEO season” with a photo of Elon Musk

    4 months ago

    remember when he said that jet tracker account was posting his “assassination coordinates”

    4 months ago

    Interesting story, will seem off topic, but it’s not. Wait for it.

    There’s a 6 or 7 part podcast production called The Michigan Plot. It dives into the plot against Gretchen Whitmer. I like Whitmer, I was disgusted when I heard about the plot to kidnap her, and happy the men involved were locked up. When I listened to The Michigan Plot, I still didn’t like the men arrested, but I felt more disgust, and not for the men arrested.

    I’ll leave it to you to listen, or not.

    The TLDR of the series is there was a MI group into LARPing and talking. Deemed a potential domestic terrorist group, to be watched, and there was indeed undercover FBI involved. Did he catch them in the act, not really, no. He picked the dumbest guy in the group and nodded at him a lot and encouraged him, on repeat, to think of something to do, such that I seriously question whether any plot would have been constructed without FBI guy. The encouragment from FBI guy culminated in going on a car ride to scope out Whitmers cabin iirc. Most of the group would t take the bait, which is a good thing in that they weren’t eager to go there. Dumb guy, the kind of guy who probably burned things he shouldn’t in backyard burn piles back in high school, is now on prison. Again, I don’t like the group, but I think the arrest was shady. Yes, you can argue dumb guy should’ve never gone there at all and you’d be right.

    My point is. How much typed/posted here, in moments like these, is going to be that FBI guy egging people on to see what sticks and with who? Something to consider.