Could be a console startup, title screen, intro cutscene, etc. I just got wired off an energy drink so I apologize in advance if this post is unhinged.
I personally associate it with Kirby Super Star’s intro, the Sega CD boot screen (non-US, I associate the US ones with Christmas), and the original Xbox startup.
For me, the Civilization V intro, lots of lan parties and online sessions where we suddenly found ourselves playing while the birds were waking up to the mørning sun outside our window.
Just one more turn!
I don’t even remember the name of the game, but it was a gba game where you played as a blacksmith and you had to craft your own weapons and go down some mine to collect materials and progress the story. I was 18yo at the time, had just started living alone, didn’t have internet or TV or anything to do. Downloaded that game at work then went home to play it and suddenly I had to leave for work again. It was the first time I stayed up all night playing something. I remember dozing off that next day and even writing stuff about swords in the middle of some work documents.
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story?
Civilization IV
Baba Yetu is such a banger
Halo CE, BF2 and WoW
For me it was the Star Wars Rebellion main menu. I played that game tons back in the day on a PC that couldn’t handle much more. Starting it up locked me into just wanting to finish a game in one night.
Loved that game!
I actually recently bought it on CD after both the Steam and GOG versions gave me visual glitches. It’s really great even if the enemy AI has infinite resource cheats.
Spent sooooo many hours as a kid playing Wing Commander: Prophecy. I still have dreams about the missions and the video cut scenes. Picked it up on GOG about a year ago and the controls sceme was still in my muscle memory.
Definitely the Ocarina of Time intro for me. It was the first game to give me a real sense of adventure as a kid, and that theme song remains forever burned into my memory.
Definitely tf2
Usually community servers are empty but pub players are practically infinite
Hands down, the Descent 2 PC/DOS intro, game released in 1996. They were ahead of their time, awesome game still to this day in my book.
Guild wars 1
Command and conquer : red alert
Diablo (the original)
Minecraft, satisfactory, factorio are ones that come to mind that keep me up too late as an adult. The TES games are ones I remember from my childhood. Morrowind was my jam back in the day, as was NWN.
Minecraft, though it’s because I usually open it after sunrise if I’m still awake. most of the time if I’m up all night I’m really deep into surfing the web to the point of like, obscure sites about aliens or something.
Breath of the Wild… so many nights were spent lying in bed playing that game until I heard birdsong! 😅
Crossposted to !
The opening rant of Kaine refers to something in the late game and it’s soulcrushing, but I love it and how they chose to scream at you on the first launch of the game when you don’t even know who’s speaking. That sets the tone.