Can’t spell abandon without ABA

Instead of getting to actually know your child, you assume some vague meaningless word caused their problems, toss them in some “school” that is supposed to “help” with those problems, while ignoring and disregarding the child’s needs.

Hey, guess what? Isolating your child and treating them like a joke at best and a burden you and the entire world is better off without at worst, is quite literally a traumatic experience for your child. Literally not hugging your child causes touch starvation which could develop into goddamn PTSD.

But like everything else you and literal professional child abusers have done to your child, you’ll call the affects of their anguish “autism” and just not do anything about it! Every other child could be suicidal because of bullies and abusive family, but your child is only suicidal because autism. Children pee and poop themselves when physically or sexually abused, but your child only suffers because autism. Instead of getting to the bottom of what’s causing your child’s suffering, you call it autism and ignore it or try to cover it up.

These “schools” destroy the child and literally gaslights them into believing every part of being a human being is a spoiled hissy fit tantrum. That wiping your ass is a tantrum because you just don’t like having wet privates after using the toilet. That showering and having clean underwear is a tantrum because you just don’t like not being clean. The child would regress entirely on healthy habits while being uncomfortable and itchy, and not say or do anything because they believe that’s being a “good kid”. And you believe your child is gross because autism and not because they literally got abused into believing their comfort and health don’t matter.

You have no idea what your child is going through in “school” and you don’t care since it’s not one of your actually loved children. You must only act like you care for an excuse to yell at someone since you literally abuse, bully, and neglect your child in the same ways, if not worse, at home.

So many children could have grown into actually functional adults but their futures are brutally taken from them by a meaningless word that literally has no definition. They’re raised to be dependent corpses in those “schools”, the parents think the child becoming a corpse is solely a result of autism, and the children are locked away in group homes where they live lives so mediocre and sad that the best thing they will ever had experienced was eating a candy bar when they were 6 years old.

That stupid word ruins lives before they’re given a chance to start. Get to know your fucking child. Raise your fucking child. Your TV and Netflix will be there later, your child’s childhood won’t.

Edit: formatting/grammar, also looks like I’m being downvoted by people who lived real childhoods and rode public transit or walked to real school and grew up real humans who were raised to be real functioning adult human people in real human society who took a trendy TikTok test and call themselves autistic for internet clout that literally won’t matter in a year; then spread how autism is not that bad, how they don’t suffer as often, and how they wish they were diagnosed as a child so they could have been “helped” while having zero idea what “help” is like for children that aren’t seen as humans or even rats (literally if an animal went through what I went through, my abusers would be jailed for animal cruelty); all while spreading harmful misinformation like autism being The Reason Why they like drawing anthropomorphic animal characters, playing popular video games, enjoying things aimed at younger audiences, or knowing a lot about a random subject; all for literally imaginary internet points that don’t matter to anyone else and won’t matter to them in a year. You got internet points at the cost of pushing disability rights back to when the nazis were euthanizing babies. Was it worth it?

  • Like the wind...OP
    3 months ago

    Bro I’m the lucky one for making it out of ABA Prison. So so so many people like me whether they’re actually autistic or not live horrendous lives. And for those that are and require help, they live in literal prison. Like I said earlier if they did that stuff to a dog it would be animal cruelty.

    I want the disabled to have a fair chance at life; and if they can’t live on their own, a happy comfortable life. And I think having an actually definitive label for their disorders and receiving actual treatment that actually HELPS THEM THRIVE is better than quite literally turning them into a literal walking corpse.

    I’m not bigoted. I’ve seen Some Shit and have lived through it. I’ve watched human children become Walking Dead at best and Godzilla at worst. Children who had personalities, hobbies, passions, and the ability to smile. That needs to end. And I think the root cause of having a disorder label so vague it means nothing.