Laura Caron, a New Jersey elementary school teacher, faces multiple sexual assault charges for grooming and abusing a 13-year-old student.
The allegations claim Caron, who befriended the student’s mother, molested the boy from age 11 to 16, including conceiving and giving birth to his child in 2019.
The case came to light after the victim’s father posted about the uncanny resemblance between Caron’s son and his own.
Can we finally give up the whole “I wish I had a hot teacher who would have sex with me when I was his age” thing? Because I have heard some asshole say something like that every time a story like this comes out. Always with a female teacher and a male child, of course.
This is rape. Every single time.
To those downvoting, this entire South Park episode is very critical of people who claim it isn’t rape
South Park usually gets things right.
Usually is the key word. There are several episodes I have big issues with and they’ve even back-tracked on a few but I do like most of their takes on things
When they tackle big topics, they usually get it right. There have been a good number of poor taste jokes that haven’t aged well, but that is the nature of comedy.
This bitch is gross