I know there was some schism and moving of instances, but beyond that I can’t deduce what happened/is happening.

    • anon6789@lemmy.world
      2 个月前

      I come on here to escape the shittiness of real life and to be positive. It doesn’t matter to me who or what anyone here wants to be, as long as they’re here being cool with everyone else. Online is built for freedom, escapism, and expression of all kinds, and I don’t like seeing people step on that. For those of us that can appreciate the unique color you bring, I love it as an expression of that freedom.

      People here will play as a DND character, a LARPer, study HEMA, or treat the Tolkien universe as a pseudo-reality, and no one will bat an eye, but someone wants to be called a dragon out of established content and all of a sudden we have to crush them? It doesn’t make sense to me. Again, they can ignore you, or filter you out, they don’t need to throw insults when they see drag pop up. I don’t get what that accomplishes.

      I don’t want to keep going with this here, as it appears I unintentionally dragged you/drag into something that drag isn’t directly involved in, so apologies for that, but I’m still pro-drag based on my personal experience. This might make me seem foolish to some, but what you are doing fits in my vision of online freedom is with no issues.

        • anon6789@lemmy.world
          2 个月前

          I mean, most of us came here because we didn’t want people to tell us what we could or couldn’t do other places.

          Why do people want to tell this person they can’t be a dinosaur dragon if it isn’t hurting anything?

          Again, read drag’s comments and not the pronouns of they bother you, and they are quite typical. If people didn’t go on the offensive against them, they wouldn’t particularly stand out from most others’ comments. And that’s not to say I feel drag is the one that needs to knock it off, I feel it’s a hang up on the receiver’s end of things.

          You won’t find me insulting anyone here because while there are people here I’m not fans of, it’s not my place to tell them to get lost. I ignore them, or block them if it’s too much to ignore.