I’m fairly certain I saw Mordecai and Rigby hambone on each other so I’m gonna with yes lmao
Was it hamboning or punchies
consensually, yes.
but I bet there’s a better word for it.
Playing the booty bongos
For the confused, like I was:
Smack your hands against your body repeatedly, mainly the torso to chest area, and continue to smack hands on body and say “hambooooniiinngggg” in Rigby’s voice from Regular Show.
Rigby: HAMBONINGGGG Mordecai: No… Rigby: HAMBONING WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE ONE DAY!!! It’ll be like “what! you tried to mug me?” proceeds to hambone for 20 seconds Mordecai: NO! We’re not doing that, okay!? Okay!? Rigby: Fine…
For added context:
Hamboning is another name for the traditional dance called the Juba Dance or Pattin Juba. It was originally from Haiti and was invented by slaves as a way to make music without any access to other instruments.
Later a nickname came into being and it became “popular” again with a wider audience because of kids media like The Regular Show and The SpongeBob Movie.
That’s assault