Sometimes it pisses me off how beautiful this planet can be

    1 month ago

    Mars is very pretty, too! It has that austere serenity to it. May be completely biased in thinking this, but every official photo from Mars gives me that distinct feeling of once-alive, almost liminal.

    Heck, every planet is wonderful in its own way, even Venus! There’s something awe-inspiring about the sheer inhospitability of that place. And the surface looks like Silent Hill: The Planet!

    Edit, because this got me started: we live in an absolutely wonderful universe, all in all! Even our relatively backwater region of space is awesome, our solar system kicks ass, even if our Sun is essentially a runt in terms of mass. It’s our runt!

    I can only dream of one day exiting the atmosphere and getting that particular perspective on existence, which is why it saddens me so much to see where space exploration’s heading (edited from the more politically loaded variant).