• Cracks_InTheWallsOP
      8 days ago

      At this point, nah. Might get her to chill the fuck out though.

      Part of why this snape is cool is it’s satire/copyright infringement by a pot activist. Image taken from “Hairy Pothead # 4 - Hairy vs. Narco”, written by Dana Larsen and illustrated by Trystan Mitchell. This actually isn’t Snape, given that - it is Professor Vacuous Vape, extractions teacher at Hempwards School of Herbcraft and Weedery.

      On a t-break, but for some reason digging into the pot activism figures of my past and what they’re doing now. It’s a mixture of fascinating and awful (though Dana seems to be doing OKish). Edit: whoops, spoke too soon - https://vancouversun.com/news/dana-larsen-cannabis-dispensaries-raided-january-2025