In the week since a Chinese AI model called DeepSeek became a household name, a dizzying number of narratives have gained steam, with varying degrees of accuracy […] perhaps most notably, that DeepSeek’s new, more efficient approach means AI might not need to guzzle the massive amounts of energy that it currently does.
The latter notion is misleading, and new numbers shared with MIT Technology Review help show why. These early figures—based on the performance of one of DeepSeek’s smaller models on a small number of prompts—suggest it could be more energy intensive when generating responses than the equivalent-size model from Meta. The issue might be that the energy it saves in training is offset by its more intensive techniques for answering questions, and by the long answers they produce.
Add the fact that other tech firms, inspired by DeepSeek’s approach, may now start building their own similar low-cost reasoning models, and the outlook for energy consumption is already looking a lot less rosy.
This stinks of desperation to change the narrative.
I mean, no, not really? “New AI is not as energy-efficient as first advertised” is just a special case of “AI is not as advertised”, i.e., the least surprising turn of events.
The actual problem is 99% of people talking about deepseek don’t understand the first thing about AI model running lol.
do we have a name yet for the junior political commentators who appear to have learned the word narrative and apply it to every situation like I apply mayo to a sandwich? (disgusting amounts, you will shit)
I want to say “plato’s cave of media awareness” but that’s perhaps too much a mouthful
How about we do this: everyone type their questions, and when it’s windy and all those wind turbines start generating power, all the questions get answered.
I like it. It’s like praying to the storm god.
Assuming deepseek can actually be run locally you would just need a laptop, a dynamo, and the poetic edda to use as the installation prompt.
i remember someone posted about spanish dudes living in apartment wired in such a way that they had all their power generated locally. that’s some solar panels, exercise bike fitted with a flywheel and generator, batteries charged from these two and something else (?). they had a very light static website hosted on something tiny that was up only when they had enough power, which was most of the time
I think you are referring to
yeah it’s this one, thanks
That’s awesome.
This also reminds me of 100 rabbits, a gamedev studio who lives from a boat.
reducing the 100r folks to “a gamedev studio” is abysmal, ew.
Hundred Rabbits is an artist collective that documents low-tech solutions with the hope of building a more resilient future. We live and work aboard a 10 m sailboat named Pino in remote parts of the world to learn more about how technology degrades beyond the shores of the western world.
oh so they make video games?
foot-loom powered ml
Orders of magnitude less, in the super fucking expensive server-farm part, is not going to be offset by being a bit less efficient in the part that runs on your phone. We won’t suddenly need new power plants, just to handle local models that push one GPU at a time. Especially when-- it’s not like efficiency means your desktop was cruising at 60% power, and is now pushing 100%. It was doing as much linear algebra as it could. With worse models, it’d just do it a bit longer.