Source: Character is from Pluto Anime Must watch.
this pose is actually very difficult and uncomfortable to maintain for adults and especially for men, because of the weight of the torso and the width of the shoulders. the elbows become sore and the muscles are in constant tension, while it’s also more difficult to breathe. I don’t see him, doing it for longer than 10 minutes before he slumps down unable to concentrate on his work.
Adult woman checking in. Aside from the feet in the air, this is my preferred programming posture! I hold this position easily for hours before getting sore elbows.
I am also small and a young adult not too many years away from teenagerhood. I hope your comment never becomes true for me with age. Looks like as long as I just maintain weight I should probably be safe, my shoulders are not getting any wider any time soon.
maybe doing it often makes you strong for it 🙂
I could for it a bit as a teen boi.
For real tho. I would love to read like this in winter but it’s just too uncomfortable.
I like it, but I put a big pillow under my chest.
He is a Robot.
how do you know. he looks so human. is it a character from an anime/manga? i haven’t seen him before
Yes, It’s from an Anime/Manga called “Pluto” by Urasawa. Same author of Monster Anime.
thanks for the info. i’ll give it a try, even though i became annoyed by a lot of anime tropes in the last few years. (for example, i really hate those shodown situations where ppl are about to fight, but then the fight is delayed for two episodes by endless talking and flashbacks.)
Oh, you are new to anime? You will love every single piece of Urasawa’s work. They are usually twisted, mysterious and antagonist. Like say Death Note on Steroid but without any edginess.
There is very less fight in his work. Just read any of his manga or watch Anime.
I recommend Watching Pluto and Monster(If it become slow pace for you read Manga). And reading 20th Century Boy.
no, i’m not new to it. i gave up on it, because of its tiresome tropes.
i watched the first episode of Pluto and the part about North No. 2 was super long and boring 😆 but the rest was very good.
the part about North No. 2 was super long and boring 😆
How it was boring I literally cried on that scene. 😭 It’s my favorite scene in entire anime.
I think any urasawa work is not fit for you.
Well, You should watch Old Anime.
I can’t say I like Urasawa’s manga series much. The art always pulls me in to start it (Monster, Pluto, 20th Century Boys), but I quit reading after a few chapters because he’ll usually just create a premise, casually play it out, and not commit to the hard work of driving plot and character development in a way that engages the reader.
But I really love his documentary series on manga artists.
Here’s the one on Junji Ito, the rest are not hard to find online:
I want to meet you IRL for some purpose. Can I have your address, name, age, parents name, dimension of your body, did you ever learned any type of martial art? Do you own any sort of weapon? Do you know about posion? Do you workout?
Thanks. I will be hoping for a reply.
Haha, ok! I’m definitely fallible, but each time I start one I tell myself, “Everyone likes this guy, he’s clearly a great artist, you must just be missing the point. Try again.” And each time my eyes glaze over by chapter 6 and I just can’t continue.
But in the interest of avoiding the trouble of armed (or poisoned) conflict, what’s your favorite? Maybe I’ll give it another try.
what’s your favorite?
Read or Watch Pluto. It’s absolute cinema.
Gotcha, thanks. Maybe I’ll try watching - usually I prefer the manga but maybe it will help fill in whatever’s missing for me.
I had this conversation with many a friend. It seems that a lot of people fail to see the distinction in how Urasawa decides to construct the (sometimes excessively) over-complicated structure of his work. The fact is that the man is, at heart, a postmodernist: he cares less about traditional tropes such as character development and is rather much more interested in exploring various point of views of a single event, relating the events of his fiction to the real world and inciting the reader to form his own opinion on a subject, a story or a person. I personally love it, being the rive-gauche comp lit post-grad that I am; but I see how it might not be for everyone. ESPECIALLY because the man takes his sweet time in developing plot points. I’d say Monster is by far his most “standardized” work, as in that it’s quite understandable to see the evolution of the MC while keeping the eyes on the plot. But things like Billy Bat or 20th Century Boys, imho, pushed the manga medium to a whole another level that we’re starting to see as vibrantly influent and foretolding just now with some of the more high-brow stuff made by people like Inio Asano, who are more interested in atypical structures and influences external to the classical manga world.
Yea, Inio Asano is my favorite manga artist. To the extent you view Urasawa as a predecessor to the type of atypical and non-linear storytelling that Inio Asano engages in, that’s a strong recommendation to me to give Urasawa another shot.
I’ll try Monster again, and enjoy hearing about him from someone who is a passionate fan.