Skam deg! Shame on you! There are surprisingly many words and expressions in Norwegian that are related to shame. Skamløs, å bli skamfull, bringe skam over noen, leve i skam, gjøre noe for skams skyld, det er både synd og skam, bite hodet av all skam, skamme seg over noe.. Even the housing market has…
Late to the party, but I have to say if you removed the country name I’d bet my life savings that that this article was talking about Japan. Especially that standing out being bad part, which immediately reminded me of the Japanese proverb “standing nails get hammered down”. Kind of depressing, but very interesting.
Late to the party, but I have to say if you removed the country name I’d bet my life savings that that this article was talking about Japan. Especially that standing out being bad part, which immediately reminded me of the Japanese proverb “standing nails get hammered down”. Kind of depressing, but very interesting.
I suppose there’s no other way to use shame. It’s just a question of which cultures do it and to what extent.