The Trump administration canceled $900 million in contracts overseen by the Institute of Education Sciences, which partners with scientists and education companies to compile and make public data about schools each year.
The Trump administration canceled $900 million in contracts overseen by the Institute of Education Sciences, which partners with scientists and education companies to compile and make public data about schools each year.
Imagine being the richest person in history and going full Nazi instead of doing literally anything else with your billions.
If you ever needed proof that wealth and ease of life doesn’t equate to happiness or satisfaction with yourself…
I hate how people think Elon isn’t happy. He’s probably having the time of his life. Imagine owning the government because some retard with an orange peel for skin addict just gave you full control over the budget.
Edit: in a system where the economy is tied down to everything
I don’t think so. Did you see how he joined that chat room with a voice changer to talk about how good of a guy he was? That’s not something a regular, happy person does.
Yeah he may have moments of happiness but it appears to be built on top of a super unhealthy desire to be viewed as impressive that I’m sure eats away at him every day. He wants to ‘win’ so people think he’s cool. He’s like a 10yo kid that steals the ball from his teammate to try and score a goal who gets upset when no one invites him to the after party.
I just honestly cannot comprehend what the end game is at this point… like, how does this even benefit anyone at all?
It benefits wealthy oligarchs.
Someone get me a blue shell. angry_luigi.jpg
I just can’t see how an incompetent (and thereby less productive) populace benefits the oligarchs, other than the whole thing about wanting people to be easier to manipulate.
I mean, if the country has fewer competent people, businesses relying on competence will eventually start hurting. That obviously includes these people’s companies, which are the source of their all-important wealth.
My guess is because we’re at the capitalism end game. Wealth inequality is to high, to have a functioning capitalistic society money needs to flow, and its not.
So now they want to extract the last amount of wealth before everything falls apart in the hope of owning whatever arises from the ashes.
It’s terrifying that this seems like a reasonable explanation
It’s crony capitalism and exactly how Russia operates. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. If you don’t play ball fuck you.
Imagine what positive progress you could bring about with that kind of wealth and how cemented your name could become as a historical legendary figure. Instead we got a petulant man-child who thinks being a Nazi is edgy. What a shit reality.