Biggus Dickus, I remember my dad cracking up over it the first time I saw Life of Brian (not his first time, obviously). And now, more than 15 years later we’re still in tears when just mentioning the name or watching the scene for the x’th time
edit: Life of Brian, not Holy Grail… sleep induced brain didn’t work that well anymore
Biggus dickus sketch is from the life of Brian though.
He’s a phony! A big, fat phony!
right! i was half asleep and not thinking that well anymore…
You know, he has a beautiful wife…
My top favourite is already the top most voted so I’ll just mention a few that I think are classics that I didn’t see on the list:
Sir robin bravely ran away
Holy hand grenade
The animator having a heart attack
A newt???
The programming language is pretty good
Argument Clinic
No it isn’t
Crunchy frogs?
Jokes, mostly.
Jokes and skits.
And now for something completely different…
No, no. None of that. It’s silly now.
Are you sure…? It’s whaf-fah thin…
Sprints away
The Upperclass Twit of the Year.
people reciting lines in a circle forever at the office
So many things. Great memories with friends watching it just losing their shit laughing over the dead parrot sketch and the alien abduction scene from life of brian. Many great jokes. Also I discovered Terry Gilliam movies over Monty I think, which are whole worlds of treasure for themselves.
Just great.
Oh oh oh, we want to learn how to defend ourselves against pointed sticks, do we.
Crelm Toothpaste
Erik the Viking