So, as we begin another week: what are your little vices or guilty pleasures that help you get through the day?
a practice, behaviour, or habit generally considered morally wrong in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy habit
Way way too much mountain dew. During really really bad depressive times it’s been the only thing I ate for a day or two.
Video games too. To be honest, my entire life is hollow guilty pleasures trying to deal with crushing amounts of existence.
I think this is a common theme.
I smoke a lot of weed, so I guess that. But I also don’t really believe in feeling guilty for pursuing pleasure - I spent too long doing that as a Catholic, and I have no desire to go back.
As a fellow ex-believer I get this; I suppose I mean “what do you do to help you get through life”…
I’ve never smoked weed.
Ah, then the answer is definitely smoking weed for me. It’s not for everyone, and I have no judgement for those that don’t partake. But it is really much less harmful than most people are led to believe, and I find that joint of a good strain at the end of a long day is a great way to relax and have a nice chill evening.
phone in bed
Too much caffeine. Northern latitude winter is tough. Coffee helps me through. I managed to avoid the siren song of energy drinks at the store today. Got some sparkling water instead.
Straight up jorkin’ it.
Summarizing Proust…
Sitting down in the shower and enjoying the hot water for too long…
Bourbon. Once I start, there’s nobody around to stop me. I’m a happy drunk though
Bourbon is great. What’s your favorite or daily?
I stick with wild turkey 101. There are other probably better ones, but I find it to be delicious especially considering it’s not expensive.
My favorite low end bourbon too! :) my favorite is by them as well Russell’s Single Barrel
If I see any I’ll give it a try. I’d be happy just having 101 via IV drip though
At least you’re happy I suppose!
Nicotine and some chocolate these days. I always take a cup of coffee and a piece of cocolate every day. It is sacred at this point.
Drinking too much soda during the day and reading smutty web serials at night.
Beer and snus
Love me some snus.
A drink or two as a play on the computer. A coffee or two as I take care of my child in the morning. Watching jellyfin before bed.
Wholesome - I like it! I used to enjoy having a long slow drink while I played Stellaris…
What was your drink of choice?
That’s that insane game where you can fight the whole galaxy and choose one individual ship too right? I’ve been wanting that
4X strategy game - you control an insterstellar galaxy and make it what you want! Nothing like taking a colony of mushroom men to the stars over a long weekend!
I mostly drank spiced rum or a nice glass or two of resld wine - if I had a proper desktop setup again it’d be a nice peaty Islay or something now I’ve developed a taste for that!
I missed the winter discount sadly. It looks very fun!
What’s your fav Islay now?
Making and consuming my own wine.
Sending all my friends weird memes/videos with zero context late at night. It’s one of my favourite hobbies.
Some examples.