• indexOP
    4 hours ago

    So most are going to flee if they have the opportunity,

    You are talking like a puppeter. If people want to leave a country so be it. Who are you to control them? Also what do you think they are going to achieve drafting by force people that don’t want to fight? They are not going to fight either way, they are losing resources hunting them as a display of power.

    Let’s say i want to leave ukraine to strike russia at the top of the pyramid: in dubai where russian oligarchs are chilling in their yachts. Ukraine government will say no, you must do what we say and fight in the army. Why do you think it works this way? A government and its people are two different things, people exist and can defend themself beyond governments and rulers.

    an agessor who cares nothing about these ‘human rights’

    If both the aggressor and the defender stop caring about human rights you are not fighting for justice anymore

    Naive is to believe that every person, millions of them, should agree and conform to your authority.

    • piccolo
      3 hours ago

      People need leadership, or they will fall apart into weak groups. People voted in their leadership. And when shit got tough, the leadership has taken action to keep their people safe within the most reasonable action. If the people truely feel opressed, whats stopping then from overthrowing the government and be annexed by their agressor? Its simple, individually, people are scared creatures who will flee rather than fight. But togather, apes are strong. And the people know it, but you cant take out the basic instincts out of people.

      Also, you say “why should i go lone wolf and strike them own your own terms” do you really think thats gonna work? If so, why dont you go do it yourself? Whats stopping you? Its not that simple is it?