If any Swedes are here, I’m American and I support this idea. It’s a necessary and proper response to an absolutely insane government, voted into power by people divorced from reality. I genuinely welcome your efforts to reintroduce it to my imbecillic countrymen.
I am also American and approve of this.
From someone that is in Sweden; it’s not as good as you might think it is. Sweden has together with the rest of the European countries started to militarize aggressively but without any factual threat. There is no talk about deescalation and focus on resolving the Ukraine war with diplomacy. Jeffrey Sachs among many prominent intellectual geopoliticians have long advocated for a peaceful solution. Even though USA has started dialogue with Russia, the European Commission is hellbent with to continue sponsoring a proxy war.
There IS a factual threat. There should NOT be de-escalation in Ukraine. The way forward is through, not retreat, not capitulation to an expansionist despot. Do not use the US as a positive example here - that’s an insult to sane Americans as well as your fellow Europeans. You can be better than that.
This is actually the only misguided responses that Reddit is full of. The so called Russian threat against Sweden or other countries is an hoax that started with the us war propaganda. To neglect that militarization only escalates the current situation and to all of a sudden care so much about Ukraine,when the only dead ones are Ukrainians and Russian soldiers, while Scandinavians are sitting on the side line and pouring military aid…….that’s plain inhumane. You are welcome to supply any evidence of Russian invasion of Sweden.
lol ok sure buddy. Blocking.
Don’t want to be a negative nelly, but Sweden is probably same as Finland. You don’t see much US products at consumer lever and if you do, they are definately not essentials. Usually they are on the exotics section i.e. candy and soda.
I’m American and boycotting by moving to Sweden lol
I’m American and I’m boycotting the hell out of it too. Supporting my neighborhood businesses.