The shortened version of Nippon is also considered an unusable slur where im from as well since its only ever used with negative intent. Its interesting to read about the different perspectives of this word around the world. Since the word is offensive to some Japanese people I should refrain from using the world online.
Speaking the language doesn’t mean knowing the context.
I feel strongly that this is still why London slang exists.
Calling you a berk won’t get me a ban probably, no matter what it actually stands for. And I’m not calling you that, just to make sure to point that out.
Im Finnish, and while you can use “Finnish person”, colloquially we’re known as Finns. But please don’t try using the same logic for Pakistan.
The shortened version of Nippon is also considered an unusable slur where im from as well since its only ever used with negative intent. Its interesting to read about the different perspectives of this word around the world. Since the word is offensive to some Japanese people I should refrain from using the world online.
It’s a goddamn minefield, especially for someone like me who hates excessive censorship.
Speaking the language doesn’t mean knowing the context.
I feel strongly that this is still why London slang exists.
Calling you a berk won’t get me a ban probably, no matter what it actually stands for. And I’m not calling you that, just to make sure to point that out.
Im Finnish, and while you can use “Finnish person”, colloquially we’re known as Finns. But please don’t try using the same logic for Pakistan.