All gender combos are fine but the inspo is: “if you seduce a woman and you get her home and her clothes off and her underwear matches; the sex wasn’t your idea.”

  • southsamurai
    6 hours ago

    I sat here thinking a bit before typing, and I’m still thinking.

    But, I can’t recall a single time where it wasn’t a mutual decision, as in something that all parties knew was going to happen when the meeting occurred.

    Closest I can get was messing around waaaaay back in my youth, and even then the time I can recall it wasn’t exactly planned ahead of time that it would lead to sex, it was more of a plan to look sexy, and it worked.

    I had really good guidance about sexual matters growing up, from the first time I expressed curiosity about it. My parents, and other family members, kinda drilled into me to “be a gentleman”, which meant taking no as no, period; and to approach it with respect for a partner. Not necessarily in those exact words except the “be a gentleman” part, but that was the idea.

    So I always looked at it as collaborative. If a girl didn’t show interest beforehand, I wouldn’t usually even try to get things going.

    The best example was one of my sister’s friends. She had stayed over a few times, and there was mutual interest. But, being my sister’s friend, and being her guest, we hadn’t had a chance to do anything about it.

    Until we did. She knew I would be there alone until my sister and parents got back from a shopping trip, and arranged to be dropped off very early.

    But, it wasn’t like she had decided we were going to have sex, it was more that she wanted me to see her as sexy, and it worked; and since she was showing real interest, I let my interest be known very directly, and we got swept up in it. It could be argued that by picking clothes that showed off her undies easily, and by picking undies that were very visually appealing, that she subconsciously intended for things to end up where they did, but she specifically said that she wanted to see if I would make a move, and hadn’t known she would go all the way.

    Tbh, I didn’t start out thinking it would lead to sex, I was thinking more making out and a bit of manual stimulation of her, since that’s where we had left things the one other time we ended up alone together long enough to go past flirting. At most, I was thinking maybe a bit of mutual manual stimulation.

    What can I say? Youth and impulsive decisions are like peaches and cream.