mod Removed Comment Well you know how the american Jew feels about African Americans haha So much rich history there by [email protected]
reason: What?
Hmmm… Why did this get removed? Seems like content censorship
Not really true, we just asked people to stop reporting about being banned from blajah over their no-gatekeeping policy, because otherwise we’d have 50 posts in this community about it by now. Rehashing the same topic over and over isn’t good for anyone. If there is some other PTB issues on blajah then that is fair game.
All our bans are in the modlog, for all to see. And this removed comment OP mentioned wasn’t removed by a mod of this community fyi, but by one of the instance admins because it comes across as antisemitic, presumably. But given the comments that were left intact, including the one calling Jordan a Zionist , what agenda or bias are you trying to suggest here?
Which instance?
Yes and I’ve asked the admin to explain the rationale. I’m pretty sure everyone on our admin team is anti-zionist, but any one of us would likely remove a comment that looks like straight up antisemitism. We aren’t a freeze peach instance. If you meant something different then feel free to explain, perhaps we have all misinterpreted what you were trying to say?
My comment was responding to the original comment:
To which I replied indicating that American jews have been know to treat blacks poorly. A claim that about as easy to support with historical record as white christian racism against the blacks in the US.
I am not really sure how calling historical behavior by a group of people is antisemitism but server admin is server admin.
As I pointed out in another chain… it does not pass the switch the race test.
For example, today I called out British oppression of the Irish. Theoretically i generalized all british being savages but that comment did not generate any controversy or a censorship.
So your point was that historically some American Jews have acted in a racist way towards African Americans? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying there a history of racism there. But being a US Jewish person doesn’t mean you are necessarily a racist, which is what you seemed to be implying in your comment.
And it seems so unnecessary, because presumably we’ve all read Jordan’s interview where he was more concerned about being inconvenienced by BLM protests than he was concerned about racial injustices. That’s peak liberal thinking right there, no reason for religion to come into it.
I wonder if he would get this “benefit of a doubt” if he was not a “liberal”… Let’s say Tucker Carlson goes to say these things… w
That’s implication added by others, not what I stated, nor intended. Jordan Lund might be a crypto racists though like many “good liberals” be
In what way am I giving him the benefit of the doubt? Peak liberal thinking was meant as a criticism lol. Refusing to address racial injustice because it’s inconvenient, or because he says he lives in a “white area” like Portland so it’s not a problem there, are both racist positions imo. He’s obviously never stopped to wonder why Portland is so white, or he doesn’t care.
That’s what most ppl thought you meant, so maybe the problem isn’t with everyone else. But yeah, I’d agree with the last part.
Oregon was founded by white people who were so racists they did not want to be around blacks. That’s why they went all the way across US to Oregon to settle.
Clearly a result of his surrounding.
Checks out
Why did you specify American jews, then? Historally, all Americans treated blacks poorly, as did all of europe. Why specify the jews while making no mention of the non-jews doing the same thing?
Everything else you said was just paper-thin excuses. Your comment was present tense, so it’s not about history. Your claim in that other thread was disproven and you only said “lol” in response. Nobody is buying it because we know the actual reason you said your comment. And so do you.
because we are talking about BLM which is an american protest movement. because history i am referring to is specifically AMERICAN jews against AMERICAN blacks.
Why did you specify American jews? You’re either very stupid or intentionally reading my comment wrong, because I explicitly said “why specify the jews” one line down.
Is Jordan Lund an American jew?
I don’t know, and who the fuck cares. Why did you specify religion? Answer the question or shut the fuck up.