Be careful, Bobby is a minor so Texas might think you’re a pedo for watching
Pretty sure Bobby gets mostly naked in the show too, so that’ll definitely get you thrown in jail i tell ya what
Bobby is really a 200 year old dragon, though
I fucking loathe my state atm.
First they came for the lolicons… WAIT, NO
Le’ go mah purse!
That random Spanish was muy bueno
There are even Japanese watchers that fight over what is better Subbed or Dubbed. It is truly great.
I’d like to watch a dubbed episode with subs. I bet the voices are amazing
It’s petty great to be honest.
Indeed, thanks kind stranger!
How do you say “Hwaht” in Japanese?
You say that like it’s controversial
The hell do you mean “just”?
I wanna see the episode where the Hills go to Japan, in Japanese.