Well, then there’s the Indiana Jones brainstorming session with Steven Spielberg and Lawrence Kasdan.
G — He’s thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve.
G — It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time. S — And promiscuous. She came onto him.
G — Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it’s an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she’s sixteen or seventeen it’s not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was madly in love with him and he…
I guess by the time the movie gets made, between script changes and casting decisions, nothing is certain and 17-22 is probably most likely, but George is a product of his time and place, and not exclusively in good ways.
Scrolling around on her Wookieepedia article I’m most entertained by the fact that they designed this comic book character to go around mostly naked in horny fanservice poses while giving her elaborate full-body tattoos that no two artists would ever be able to draw the same.
“Also very important for family entertainment reasons that the slave lady Leia replaces had her boobs literally out of her skimpy costume and flopping around when she got murdered.”
George Lucas was notoriously ambivalent and dismissive towards the EU. The one character he was super stoked to get into his version of the sequels?
Darth Talon. IYKYK, otherwise do a quick search once you’re not at the office.
My man has some issues to sort out, or maybe he already has, and he has some specific kinks he wants to evangelize.
Nerds being horny? Unheard
He also quite famously told Carrie Fisher that she couldn’t wear a bra…
Well, then there’s the Indiana Jones brainstorming session with Steven Spielberg and Lawrence Kasdan.
I guess by the time the movie gets made, between script changes and casting decisions, nothing is certain and 17-22 is probably most likely, but George is a product of his time and place, and not exclusively in good ways.
At the end of Episode 2 Padmé gets more and more revealing clothes. First she loses her poncho and then her jumpsuit gets torn to reveal her midriff.
At the time I thought it was a clever reference to the same happening to Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest. Now I’m not so sure.
Pretty sure Galaxy Quest was poking fun at the trope while Star Wars was more just doing the trope unironically.
Woah. She’s like a female version of Darth Maul, but without any clothes on.
Kinda badass, NGL
Scrolling around on her Wookieepedia article I’m most entertained by the fact that they designed this comic book character to go around mostly naked in horny fanservice poses while giving her elaborate full-body tattoos that no two artists would ever be able to draw the same.
“So my vision for the series is that it’s just a fun kid’s show. Also Leia in a tiny metal bikini.”
“Also very important for family entertainment reasons that the slave lady Leia replaces had her boobs literally out of her skimpy costume and flopping around when she got murdered.”
To be fair, I guess I did pause that scene a bunch as a child.
does search