I grew up on the ocean and one of the most comforting “at home” feelings is being out past the breakers, disconnect my board leash, and just dive deep down, exhale enough air out my lungs to stop floating, and just sit on the ocean floor for a few seconds in beautiful silence.
And then stupid lungs run out of air and I have to resurface.
Edit: And I’m sure that sounds scary to some, but trust me, the water, ocean, and surf are like a best friend that’s not scary at all once you get to know it. Quite the opposite.
I wish the sea was a bit clearer where I live. But I’m summer I often go to the beach for a swim in my lunch breaks.
It’s interesting reading how terrified some people can be of the sea, and others are fine with swimming in it. Wouldn’t mind doing some shallow freediving but there isn’t much to see around here.
I used to do that in the swimming pool (I have always lived far inland) it’s often called dangerous on the mistaken belief that it’s like shallow water drowning where someone hyperventilates to swim underwater longer; since those people have blown off so much CO2 they don’t get a signal to breathe and suffocate.
Our method doesn’t involve hyperventilation, and wow does the need to breathe get strong
exhale enough air out my lungs to stop floating
Get yourself a weight belt for scuba diving and you can expand your ground time a bit. Get a full set of scuba equipment and you can sit there for hours (depending on depth, size of your tanks and how relaxed you are). :)
I grok.
I’ve lived on the shore my entire life, and there’s nothing quite like being in the ocean.
that sounds beautiful
Melville opens his epic sea faring tale by stating people are inexplicably drawn to the sea. I think it is due to one of the most painful, drawn out, and reoccuring emotion: regret.
I’m ready Moby Dick for the first yime right now and i absolutely love it! I love stories about the sea. I want to reread it again in a few years and do a journal about the book. I wanna be one of those freaks that writes a report about every chapter. I’ll post every one on my blog and forward the post to my aunt who’s a retired highschool English teacher. Let her know all those years as a public teacher weren’t for nothing.
I wonder if you would like the Mars Trilogy books by Kim Stanley Robinson. Same deep details, but about geography (on Mars).
Like Melville, he takes you into another world, in depth.
OTOH, you may hate the dryness!
In any case, you got me thinking I’ll take another pass at Moby Dick. Had the little kid’s book as a child and loved it. Haven’t read the novel for 30 years!
Check out the movie In The Heart of the Sea. Got moderate reviews, but you might find something about it you enjoy.
Reject humanity, return to
monkelungfish.Before getting in the shower, what is keeping you from getting in?
The warm blanket I’m in and the commute that comes after the shower
Executive dysfunction?
I still will as I feel weird if I don’t, but on my days off when I have nowhere to go it’s not as easy if I don’t in the morning.
the autism
When I’m at zero I don’t wanna get to 1 and vice versa.
The issue with the shower for me is being cold, and especially cold and wet, which is why I like to put the heating on before getting in, so at least the bathroom is warmed up first.
100%, gym showers are so much easier because i’m already warmed up from the workout and the water starts pretty warm too
I suspect op to be a cat.
The shower curtain is a major barrier to entry for some
** Pisces noises **
Swim bladder <3