Remember, sniff, sniff the ruling class want femboys and trans girls to fight each other instead of the capitalist system we’re currently under. Every time you accuse a trans girl of trying to hand quotes groom femboys into transitioning with their dumb sniff, sniff egg jokes, you’re frustrating the class war. Also I don’t think that a christian fundamentalist conservative would be down with your femboy clothings. sniff, sniff
i might love fucking a femboy, depending on the circumstances
also, i’m considering identifying as a girlboy myself btw
Only one way to find out >:3
Finally, a political movement i can behind. Or in front of. Or underneath.
Oooh can I be underneath >:3
I suppose I can top, if you really want me to!
Neither did I! It’s a learning experience for both of us :3
This is the part where I have an anxiety attack and self-deprecating thoughts 🙃
Awh don’t do that! You’re amazing and wonderful and should think good things about yourself!
Power bottoms
Dude, I have been a power bottom on top. Just because you’re bottom doesn’t mean you’re sub
i volunteer for science
We’ll need to do a double blind study. At least. The only question is what will we use for the control group. Femboys kissing femboys? Trans girls kissing trans girls? Maybe both? We should be as thorough as possible. Maybe a rigorous oral exam is in order as well.
Femboys kissing everyone :D
Perfect >:3
I volunteer as a trans girl tribute
Good >:3
Call me ;3
As a femboy i can confirm
There are dozens of us!
I read it in his voice, including the sniffling tic.