• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Had to edit this comment. There’s more!

    Edit number 2 below!

    Edit number 3 below!

    Here’s the arrest list so far:

    Cathy Latham, 5’2" 155 lbs

    Scott Hall, 6’0" 235 lbs

    John Eastman, 5’7" 160 lbs

    David Shafer, 5’5" 150 lbs

    Kenneth Chesebro, 5’11" 185 lbs

    Ray Stallings Smith III, 5’11" 195 lbs

    Rudolph Giuliani, 5’11" 230 lbs

    Sidney Powell, 6’0" 170 lbs

    11 12 13 more traitors to go, less than 3 days left.

    • synae[he/him]
      1910 months ago

      Can someone convert these to Courics? That’s the natural unit for pieces of shit anyway

    • @[email protected]
      1410 months ago

      Omg actual height and weight data on Trump tomorrow?

      With or without the lifts and diaper?

      • @ImFresh3x
        110 months ago

        They won’t make him take off his stilts.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Hah everyone has been so fixated on getting his weight that I forgot that we also get his true height without the shoe lifts. What a day.

    • @pelespirit
      410 months ago

      Somebody said that they go off your id but I’m not sure if that’s true or not.

    • @eestileib
      110 months ago

      Damn, Kraken woman is tall.

    • @eestileib
      010 months ago

      Who’s out there with the Scott Hall bod?

  • TubeTalkerX
    4710 months ago

    So what’s the Secret Service procedure on having someone they’re protecting be booked in a State Court system?

    • @[email protected]
      2710 months ago

      I doubt it ever happened before, so whatever the policy will be, it’s going to be brand new

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          Is it clear how close they have to be to an ex-President at all times? Is the law written that they need to be in visual contact at all times? I have no idea.

          • I hadn’t thought of it that way. He’s definitely entitled to protection while in prison. I don’t see any statute or regulation that sets a distance. They have to protect dude though.

          • Dr. Bluefall
            910 months ago

            I imagine it’s a case of the Secret Service coordinating with the State on how to handle Trump. No matter what he did, he’s a former president, and is entitled to the protection of the Secret Service.

            Bet he’ll get Epstein’d, though.

            • zarp86
              610 months ago

              Bet he’ll get Epstein’d, though.

              There’s just no way in hell.

        • @agentsquirrel
          1110 months ago

          Honestly, him never being president again and having to stay alone for a few years in a cheap motel with free HBO with the Secret Service guarding outside would be enough for me.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            One of those really sleazy rooms with the heart shaped jacuzzi that has the DNA of thousands of people clogging the pump. And a bed that vibrates if you put a quarter in it. And wood panel walls.

      • @eestileib
        310 months ago

        Or he’ll be in ADX Florence with other traitors.

          • @eestileib
            910 months ago

            ADX Florence is designed to keep the prisoners completely isolated, there aren’t any hallway encounters for a walk-by shiv.

            It’s pretty much the only place he could be incarcerated without going full Pablo.

            • Meldroc
              410 months ago

              I was about to say - being a supermax, there is no interaction with other prisoners, so that makes the Secret Service’s job easier.

              Most likely though, I’m thinking the Dept. of Corrections may end up building a dedicated facility just for Trump. A prison with one prisoner sort of like Spandau Prison in Germany.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      Not law enforcement. I’d assume that they’d come to some arraignment with the Correction Officers before hand.

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        come to some arraignment

        Not sure if that was intentional but it works well either way haha

  • @[email protected]
    4610 months ago

    I still think he’s going to pull some stunt. He’s incapable of just simply obeying something like this.

    • @[email protected]
      6110 months ago

      The stunt is going to be after the booking, when he holds a press conference and says stupid shit which would revoke anyone else’s bail agreement, but he will continue to get a pass because his followers are a dangerous cult.

      • @[email protected]
        2710 months ago

        I think you’re right. As much as it galls me, he’ll suffer no consequences because he has millions of armed angry followers. One speech from him might actually start a civil war.

        Fuck rupert murdoch and fox news for ratcheting up the rhetoric over the years to keep their viewers scared, angry, and glued to their TVs. And fuck right wing talk radio for doing the same thing.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            There is trouble in the forest And the creatures all have fled As the maples scream, “Oppression!” And the oaks just shake their heads

        • rastilin
          810 months ago

          He tried to rally his followers before and got like 5 people showing up. That ship has sailed, he’s not an unassailable lord and it harms Democracy to pretend he is.

          • discodoubloon
            210 months ago

            This time I want to be more certain than that. I’m glad that he seems to be losing followers but he’s still a really dangerous person.

        • Echo Dot
          510 months ago

          I know it would be a terrible thing but it would be the most one-sided civil war in the history of ever.

          His followers are massively gung ho but they really only care about themselves. Once actual consequences, such as returning fire, make themselves felt I suspect a lot of them will slink off back to Alabama or whatever.

          There will be a lot of grumbling and accusations from them, but they won’t do anything very much because they don’t dare. Having guns won’t protect you from the US military if the US military doesn’t like you, and they’ll soon work that one out.

      • @ImFresh3x
        310 months ago

        The court has some reasons that benefit justice, and not trump, to lean hard toward “push ahead and avoid extra drama.” Trump wants to delay everything and make himself the victim. Letting him push the envelope here and there deprives him of what he ultimately wants.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          God damn it. This is one of those comments that makes me rage to read but I have to concede that you’re right.

          Any drama at this point is just fodder for the inevitable appeals.

    • @[email protected]
      2910 months ago

      Turning himself in the day after the GOP debate is the stunt.

      They’ll just process and release him. He’s out on bond in several places at this point.

      • @[email protected]
        2410 months ago


        No matter what happens at the debate, all the news will be talking about the next morning is trump turning himself in.

        If he waited till the last day like he said, they’d have a day in the news cycle

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      After Covid he planned on wearing a Superman logo. He’s definitely thinking of a way to show off. Maybe arrive in prison stripes and claim the prosecutor demanded it?

      • chaogomu
        1410 months ago

        Some of the other clowns in the circus might pull a stunt like that, but Trump is the Whiteface, the clown that emphasizes pride and arrogance.

        He would never allow himself to do something that he thinks will look bad. Not to say his bungling incompetence doesn’t do that for him, it’s just that he won’t do it as a conscious choice.

        Clowns are somewhat interesting.the Whiteface is the know-it-all straight man, and the Auguste is the bumbling doofus who is the butt of every joke. The Auguste is the first to get a pie in the face. You laugh at the Auguste.

        The Whiteface on the other hand is the person telling you who to laugh at. They tell the mean jokes to get the audience to laugh at others. This makes it so much more satisfying when the Auguste finally hits the Whiteface with the pie.

        Anyway Trump couldn’t tell a joke if his life depended on it, but he still fills the role of Whiteface in this circus. He’ll pull stunts, but only if he thinks it will make someone else look bad.

        • @eestileib
          710 months ago

          I think you just explained why I always hated clown shows.

          • chaogomu
            410 months ago

            I think it’s more likely the fact that clown shows used to be something aimed at adults, and then they got dumbed down to be kid friendly.

            Old school performances had lots of jokes about murder, sex, suicide, and other dark topics.

            Look at it this way, the Three Stooges was actually a clown show. Moe was the Whiteface. Larry, Curly, and Shep played the role of Auguste.

            That’s how it sort of went, the actual clowns ditched the makeup and started performing on TV or in movies, and the children’s performers threw out all of the rich history and defined roles and instead focused on bright colors and loud fart jokes. Not that fart jokes weren’t a rich part of that history. They really were.

            Other contributing factors in the death of the clown show were things like The Joker, and John Wayne Gacy.

            BTW, the Joker is a classic Whiteface clown taken to a sadistic extreme, he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a red nose. To the Joker, jokes happen to other people. That’s what he finds funny. The fact that no one else laughs is what drives him mad.

            (As a note, the Auguste is also sometimes called the Red Nose, because they wear the over sized red nose, the white face might paint their nose red, but will never wear the prop)

            • @eestileib
              10 months ago

              I saw a troupe at the circus in Brasil growing up (this was well after the 3 Stooges, I’m not that old), and the vibe very much was mean-spirited like you described in the first post, not the Bozo Show kiddie version you’re talking about here.

              I preferred the elephant kicking soccer balls into the crowd, she boomed the shit out of those little suckers.

              Excellent point about the 3 Stooges though, I had thought of it primarily as borscht belt wordplay + slapstick on film, but the social dynamics really do match circus clowns.

              • chaogomu
                310 months ago

                Yeah, the Whiteface is a sort of archetype that can be off-putting if done wrong.

                Look at modern comedians who often follow the clown archetypes, if loosely. George Carlin was a prime example of the Whiteface. He pointed at a wrong in the world, and people laughed at it.

                Robin Williams was an Auguste. He took pratfalls, he had zany antics, pure physical comedy matched with rapier wit. You laughed at him as often as you laughed at something he said about someone else.

                There’s also a third archetype, mostly American in the clown world, the Tramp. These guys are like the Auguste in that they’re the butt of the joke, but unlike the Auguste, they never have a moment where they win. They’re the downtrodden, the bumbling idiots who never suceed in pointing and laughing, only at being pointed at. The trope is the life so bad that it’s funny.

                Another piece of media to really understand clowns is the play, Waiting for Godot. You can find versions of it on Youtube, and the Internet Archive. It’s a darkly funny play that is actually a clown show pretending to be a play. It’s surreal and kind of fucked up, but in a good way.

          • chaogomu
            610 months ago

            I’ve spent far too much time thinking about clowns and clown history for someone who doesn’t tell jokes. I spent some time researching comedy and how it’s changed over the years.

            For example, the classic roles of comedy still sort of carry over to modern comedians. For example, Goerge Carlin was a classic example of a Whiteface. His comedy was almost always about telling you who you should be laughing at. He pointed, and you laughed, he never took a pratfall, You never laughed at him.

            Robin Williams on the other hand more often took on the role of the Auguste, the Red Nose (Because they’re the only clowns that wear the red nose prop). He was loud and boisterous, and took pratfalls. You laughed at his antics, his physical humor, just as much as at what he said.

            The Auguste is almost always the butt of the joke when there’s a Whiteface, but can be the one playing the jokes when paired with a Rube (A straight man who isn’t in on the joke)

            There are more classic clown roles that exist, the Tramp is an American clown (but the underlying concept is global) that is always the butt of every joke. Their makeup is usually patterned after the 1930s hobo, they take the sad clown motif to the extreme. The sort of “my life is so shit that it’s funny” kind of archetype. Or they can show up in a sort of “the prince and the pauper” situation where they’re either slobs in a high society setting, or show refined manners while eating out of a trashcan.

            The Tramp is like an extreme form of the Auguste. While the Auguste might get revenge on the Whiteface, the Tramp never will. Also, the Auguste will abuse the Tramp in exactly the same way that he in tern is abused by the WhiteFace.

            The Three Stooges come to mind for this dynamic, although none of them were really the Tramp. Larry was firmly an Auguste, and Curly and Shep were closer to the Tramp side of things, but were still Auguste. Moe was a Whiteface.

            Anyway, I hope that helps to explain the circus that is the Trump org. They aren’t trying to be clowns, but they fit the roles.

            • @sangriaferret
              210 months ago

              Thanks for that little lesson. That’s some interesting info.

    • @[email protected]
      -110 months ago

      Any attempt to flee and a pair of fully armed F-22s will bring them back. Trump’s plane is being tracked.

    • OctopusKurwa
      1110 months ago

      I’m still pissed I didn’t get to see that. It would have been so fucking funny.

      • @[email protected]
        810 months ago

        Remember when he divested himself from his businesses? He held a press conference with a stack of folders large enough to be unlikely and nobody was allowed to see what was inside.

        My money would have been on that again.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    I don’t recall Trump ever doing or saying anything without some element of egomaniacal pride, boasting, or grandstanding. He should get the opportunity to rot in a prison cell while endlessly showing up in court and being returned to said prison cell.

  • Chainweasel
    3010 months ago

    This more than anything makes me feel like he might actually flee. He always says the opposite of the truth, like when he said that he won the election.

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      I wish, but I think some of his more… enthusiastic supporters would get violent.

      I imagine that the Federal and Georgian governments want to avoid a horde of people rioting and trying to free him from jail. There would be assholes just itching to open fire on “the deep state” and you’d need the national guard to defend the prison/jail. Even if the trumpists started it, such a thing might actually spark a civil war.

      • @[email protected]
        3110 months ago

        They’re already violent, and getting more so. Appeasing them isn’t going to make them suddenly behave.

      • Kale
        1310 months ago

        If you don’t do the right thing because you’re afraid of bad actors, then the bad actors have won. I’m afraid of violence, too. But if the courts find him guilty on a charge that leads to incarceration, then he should be held to the same standard.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        I imagine that the Federal and Georgian governments want to avoid a horde of people rioting and trying to free him from jail.

        Atlantan here. Bring it on; I don’t give a shit. We can arrest all the Cobb County MAGA terrorists too, while we’re at it!

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I just had a thought. . . Put trump in jail as bait. . … let his followers come to “rescue” him. . . . Let them experience the American military power that they love so much. . . I don’t think their AR-15s are going to be much help vs tanks and helicopters and satellites, etc

      • @[email protected]
        -210 months ago

        Let them get violent… we need to speed this shit up and have the civil war already before another GQP president had control over the military. Sure, people are gonna die… but it won’t be anyone on the left.

        #consequences 🤪

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          A civil war would mean drone dropped grenades like in Ukraine. A lot of people on both sides would die and many more would be maimed.

        • @[email protected]
          -510 months ago

          My first instinct was to shame you for your indifference of right-leaning human lives lost, but I would rather use this as an opportunity to educate since I thought the same as you at one point.

          January 6th was a violent insurrection, and as a result of that violence, people who were doing their jobs were traumatized to the point of suicide, and the traitor Ashley Babbitt is immortalized as a saint. The “GQP” will look at comments like yours and say “THE LEFT HATES TRUE PATRIOTIC AMERICANS AND WANT TO KILL US” to rally their supporters into a frenzy. Leaders will use more polarizing language and all but ensure the next January 6 style attack will be bloodier and more effective. Innocent people will be wrapped up in this, and people will die, whether you think they deserve it or not.

          We need to treat this with the urgency of a severe mental health crisis. We’re quite literally witnessing mass cult brainwashing where people I love and respected fall down this rabbit hole of an abusive relationship between themselves and these far right provocateurs. For those that have not committed crimes against their fellow man, we should work towards helping them. For those who have, let the courts deal with them and have them rot.

          • Beemo Dinosaurierfuß
            1110 months ago

            Again with this shit.

            Nazis will say the left hates patriots NO MATTER WHAT THE LEFT does.

            The truth DOES NOT MATTER to them.

            So stop with the appeasement bullshit.

            Makes punching Nazis acceptable again.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              I’d implore you to re-read my comment. I’m asserting a call to action to those who can be saved. Nazis wish harm on their fellow man. Let them rot.


              When I say let the Nazis rot, I mean lock them up and throw away the key. In my opinion, those who deny others their freedom should be doomed to having their freedoms stripped away.

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            I agree with the sentiment, but the ones that have fallen down the rabbit hole are virtually impossible to reach. I had someone I knew go that way. We previously had excellent political discussions and pushed each other to examine our biases, but now he drunkenly rambles about the evil libs online.

            Meanwhile those unreachable people are feeling more and more persecuted and their beliefs (which are already based on fear) confirmed. Maybe they keep their heads in the sand and “trust the plan,” but when they realize the storm is never coming, they may resort to violence.

            • @[email protected]
              210 months ago

              I definitely agree with what you’re saying. Some people are too far gone that no amount of facts and logic will persuade them. Innuendo Studios put out an excellent suite of videos on how the alt right is like an abusive relationship and a cult. I won’t waste your time reiterating his points.

              I do have a friend, let’s call him Greg, who is ultra religious and genuinely believes that he needs a carrying permit for his firearm because there’s no way to tell who has a gun willing to put him and his family in harms way. He also believes a lot of the talking points that you would expect about abortion, LGBTQ rights, etc. Whenever I debate Greg, he backs up his claims with how he feels and the superfluous fact that erases some pretty important context. He has no idea he’s being misled on issues specifically designed to polarize us. Greg also believes that white people are the most discriminated against in today’s world, and trans people “are coming”. He’s very fearful of his fellow man for someone who’s supposed to love his neighbor, but as his friend of almost 10 years, I know he would never hurt a fly.

              With the exception to abortion, he’s been slowly outgrowing this culture of fear and is adopting more middle of the road stances. I’m not sure how he snapped out of the fear-mongering, but I’m just glad he did.

              There’s always hope.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            I hear your opinion, but I disagree. Thank you for not trying to shame me, because I wouldn’t feel shame for being (what I feel is) right.

            I’m not asking for a war… but if they want to try to “rise up,” the army will mow them down and we can all go back to a “normal” political landscape.

            What utopia it would be, in comparison to the mental illness that is the right.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Thank you for clarifying what you meant with your original comment, it’s most definitely a message I’m more on board with! At the end of the day, we are more human rights while the right is more tax cuts for the rich.

              There’s also no need to thank me for not shaming you, but it is appreciated and you’re welcome! Just because we’re on the internet doesn’t mean you’re not owed basic human decency.

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                Well, telling me you didn’t shame me is kind of like shaming me and also saying you’re better then me at the same time ;)

                So, thanks for saying thanks 😉😉

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Can’t say that any of those things you listed someone should be ashamed of, but maybe not proud of them either.

      Fwiw, Trump either genuinely believes he’s done nothing wrong, or he needs his fans to believe it, so him saying this kinda tracks.

      I guess there’s a reason pride is a deadly sin

    • kadotux
      410 months ago

      I get your point but I don’t think anyone should be ashamed where they’re from, per se. I have no power over where I’m born.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Just because you shouldn’t feel proud of something doesn’t mean you should be ashamed of it, and I don’t think they’re implying one should be. I’m not proud that I have a nose, but I’m not ashamed I do either; I just have one.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          I’m not ashamed that I was born in a backwards, bible-thumping, right-wing hellhole. But, I am ashamed of how backwards and idiotic my home state is.

        • @AlDente
          10 months ago

          They are responding to someone who literally said they should be ashamed though. And one of the examples was being white. The blatant racism is disgusting.

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    I bet Trump smiles for the camera like fuckin’ Tom DeLay did. Smarmy bastards, the both of 'em.

    • @[email protected]
      010 months ago

      Honestly it’s a crime to say that.

      If you’re Canadian, know the American feds can and will take you from Canada for what is a crime there but not in Canada.

      They forgot who they’re dealing with; clearly; but yeah.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          No no, it’s really a crime to utter a desire to see the president mortal harm. It’s a nightmare bit of legal overreach, yes, but it’s there. Obama could have arrested so many ignorant hillbillies.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Again, no. There is no law stating you can’t wish death on someone. You can’t publicly call for their death or anything. But merely wishing for it, or stating you desire it, is not a crime. It doesn’t matter if they’re a public official or not. There’s literally nothing they could be charged with because again, it’s not a law.

            What possibly led you to think there was?