Imagine being on vacation in a deep Australian abyss.
I think that’s just how Australians refer to Canberra.
Canberra is a mysterious place The people there are beautiful but they turn ugly the moment they leave the city. It’s kind of a blob fish effect. Their bodies can’t handle the pressure of greater australia.
My theory is the roundabouts have a calming effect.
yeah. Imagine going on vacation there
found in deep Australian abyss
Doesn’t sound like a vacation beach to me lol
When I was in Korea for the first time, in our early 30’s, we went to the fish market and a older lady who sold weird sea creatures sold us some of them and at the end she took one of those penis fish and gently pressed on it so it would squirt out some water from the front and then she laughed her ass of seeing us so uncomfortable :D
Wow, its even called gaebul - this is revoltingly brilliant
They don’t even cook it?! As a vegan this is probably the most horrifying thing I’m going to see all day
God caught reusing assets
Fucking crabs, man.
Oi it looks like a budgie slipped out if it’s smuggler.
knowing ausfailia, you’d probably prefer the sea dick swimming next to you over the billion deadly animals that are out there
Yeah. This fucker is probably the most dangerous there is. The jellies and tiger snakes are just misunderstood.
Möbius Dick
What happens if you play with it tho
Just don’t shake it more than twice.
The “Peanut worm” was discovered by an expedition in collaboration with Museums Victoria and the CSIRO .
Me when I’m vacationing in the abyss:
- It could do much worse than just swim past you.
- You’re already brave enough to deal with this horror if you’re in the water on an Australian beach.
Past? Consider yourself lucky.
New hentia category unlocked?