His key fund has spent nearly all of the more than $150 million it raised, and is sitting on less than $4 million, according to the latest numbers available. He’s already dug into his fund for 2024 ads, and borrowed money to post bail in Georgia. And some of his allies are begging for donations, saying he won’t pony up.

  • Flying Squid
    18310 months ago

    And some of his allies are begging for donations, saying he won’t pony up.

    HE NEVER DOES! How do these idiots not know that? He’s famous for not paying what he owes.

      • Flying Squid
        3010 months ago

        It’s like people who buy lottery tickets every week except at least those people have a minute chance of a payout.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          And if they buy again, they have a second chance of payout. And if they all chip in, they have an (h)our chance 🤣

  • @[email protected]
    12210 months ago

    How ironic. “Running out of other people’s money” is a term that Trumpers use to describe communism.

        • MxM111
          410 months ago

          Formally, capitalism is only economic and not political system, while communism is both. Democratic capitalism is quite different from dictatorial capitalism and anarchism-capitalism, for example. Countries like Sweden, China and Iran, they all have capitalism, but political systems are very different.

  • Chainweasel
    10610 months ago

    I think it’s hilarious that he’s supposedly a billionaire yet the RNC and their various related PACs are willing to go broke for him even though he is unpopular enough that the candidates he endorsed lost in the midterms. He’s losing them elections left and right and yet they still can’t stop themselves from throwing money at him.
    He’s like King Midas but everything he touches turns to shit.

    • downpunxx
      6810 months ago

      he packed the court, he personally killed roe, and he gives americans they hate the most, women/brown people/homosexuals nightmares. he is their god. they don’t care about anything else. racists would throw their own children into fire if it meant mud people might get it worse than they have it now. it really is that simple.

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        810 months ago

        you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.…

        Lee Atwater, on how the Republican party wins the votes of racists without appearing blatantly racist

    • @[email protected]
      2310 months ago

      “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it.” - Lindsey “Spineless” Graham.

    • @PrincessLeiasCat
      810 months ago

      But you see, he’s only broke because the very very mean libs stole the election from him which forced him to try to overthrow the government. Then they led all kinds of witch hunts against him after he tried to show that he was right and expose election fraud. None of this is his fault!!! He’s innocent! He averted nuclear Holocaust!! /s

  • milkjug
    7310 months ago

    “No word from Trump,” Johnson wrote. “Nothing to defend these people who worked so hard for him. Not a dime of his money to fund their defense. Nothing. He has thrown all of them under the bus to prop himself up.”

    No waaaaay, shock pikachu face

    • @krayj
      2710 months ago

      He has thrown all of them under the bus to prop himself up.

      That is his nature, it is his core identity. Any common moron could see that starting in 2014. Whatever happens to all those people who worked for him and are now under the bus…they deserve everything that happens to them now that he’s used them up and cast them aside.

    • athos77
      710 months ago

      Hell, he threw his sons under the bus in the New York case, you think he cares about these other people?

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    What the fuck I thought Super PACs were not allowed to coordinate with the candidate…right? …right? It’s paying his fucking legal bills how is that not a violation? Oh that’s right because it’s a fucking corrupt bullshit concept. The supreme court’s awful Citizens United ruling completely fucked over this country.

    • TechyDad
      4410 months ago

      It’s a violation, but at this point they’re openly flouting campaign finance laws. Usually, a campaign and their PAC will have “secret” places to publicly share documents that are technically public but only known to the campaign and the PAC. For example, they might have a site called Artichoke-And-Orange-Juice-Recipes dot com which would have various recipes posted. However, if you go to /recipes/other/political/campaigns/2023/abcd-5678-totally-public-stuff/ one side would post documents for the other side to grab. It’s technically not coordinating since anyone could grab those documents, but only they know about that URL so practically speaking it’s coordinating secretly. However, for the debate, DeSantis’ PAC posted debate prep notes openly for DeSantis to use.

      Also, a DeSantis PAC has been paying for stuff like a campaign bus for DeSantis which shouldn’t be allowed.

      Meanwhile, Republicans want to loosen the regulations so that PACs could coordinate openly with the campaigns with no restrictions.

  • SonnyVabitch
    4610 months ago

    Why his allies are surprised he won’t pony up is a mystery given the man’s half a century history of cheating anybody who’d put any trust in him.

  • ArugulaZ
    4310 months ago

    Good, and also fuck him. Time to go to prison now, Donald.

  • @Vertelleus
    3710 months ago

    Time for another round of Trump NFTs…

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      Or to take funds from foreign governments. It would be nothing to them if Trump loses, but if he wins they’ll own him forever.

    • athos77
      210 months ago

      You mean openly transferring bribes wealth to someone else, someone who needs a clear trail of where the boatloads of money came from.

  • @[email protected]
    3010 months ago

    Has anyone thought maybe he is only saying he is going to run for president again so he can continue to rake in this money to pay the fees? If he wasn’t running the PAC wouldn’t exist right? Seems like an easy way to continue paying and then bailout once he has exhausted all funds.

  • @[email protected]
    1910 months ago

    And yet every time something happens to him he gets millions in donations. Does he even need to advertise? Even if he’s broke I doubt he’d drop out of the race, he’d just make people work on credit and then not pay.

    • @[email protected]
      4410 months ago

      The astonishing thing here is that this would probably work. I have no idea how he continues to convince people that 1) he’s rich, and 2) he’ll bother paying them if he’s not forced to, but somehow there keeps being people willing to throw their lives away for him.

      I still have trouble with that. People willing to throw their lives away for Donald fucking Trump, the failed real-estate tycoon and D-list celebrity weirdo with the underage “beauty” pageant. That guy? That guy commands an army of people desperate to do his (unpaid) bidding?

      What the actual fuck?

      • cassetti
        4410 months ago

        Donald Trump is a poor man’s idea of a rich man, a weak man’s idea of a strong man, and a dumb man’s idea of a smart man.

      • @[email protected]
        2110 months ago

        Con man is short for confidence man…

        There’s always been a lot of people who will fall for obvious scams because they assume anyone that’s confident is capable.

        They aren’t the best with higher logic, so they tend to take everything at face value. And that’s been exploited for probably longer than humans have had language

      • edric
        810 months ago

        He has become mythological to his fans. Like when you see those Chuck Norris memes, except they believe everything they see/read about him without looking past the surface.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          I’m firmly convinced that when he eventually keels over from an inevitable Big-Mac Attack, that his rabid followers will take that as a sign to “start the civil war.”

          I expect that cities are going to see a surge of domestic terrorism just after fatty McBabyhands croaks.

          The weirdest thing is that it won’t be limited to the US, and I really don’t understand foreign Drumph supporters

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        The man who was found by a jury to have abused a woman, who suggested grabbing women “by the pussy”, who admits to going into the girls change rooms in the miss teen America pageant, who had to pay hush money to a porn star, is the poster child for the religious right.

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      Some troll signed me up for Trump’s mailing lists. The donation requests are absolutely pathetic. “President Trump asked me to reach out to YOU, one of his most loyal donors, to help out this month with defending freedom. We’re putting the list of his top 50 defenders on his desk this afternoon and want your name on it again this time!” … “President Trump got his weekly list of donors and asked me why your name wasn’t on it this time!”

  • @[email protected]
    1810 months ago

    Oh please. There’s still plenty of grift left and I hope they continue to get grifted by this living spam email.

  • @[email protected]
    1610 months ago

    Any cent wasted on lawyers will mean less money on ads. I think many people will be thankful for seeing less of his face next year…

  • @starrox
    1610 months ago

    Hilarious and disgusting in equal measures.