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  • RoomAndBored [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    We’re not talking coolaid here. We’re talking that the white man is never going to respect anyone who sells out. “I’m one of the cool ones” is the companion piece to a white guy’s “I have a black friend”.

    It may feel cool to shit on mainlanders and call President Xi ‘Xinnie the Pooh’, but all that slinging that shit around online really does is validate the very real and very racist swathes of the West who don’t discern a difference between people in Asia, or think that what’s acceptable to apply to a prominent Asian figure is acceptable to apply to all Asians.

    Case in point is Uncle Roger, who’s a Malaysian Chinese, but makes the same kind of XJP jokes that you see on Reddit. Didn’t stop him from getting smacked in the face by a racist dog on the streets of London.

    • falkerie71
      2 years ago

      think that what’s acceptable to apply to a prominent Asian figure is acceptable to apply to all Asians

      I also see US political comics depicting prominent figures of the US as animals, devils, etc. It’s a thing they do. Xi the Pooh isn’t something new they came up with, so I think that the picture in question has little to do with deep running racism.

      What Uncle Roger went through is sad, but whether it’s because of COVID or the picture, they’re all just excuses imo. Take one out, and they’ll find another as their excuse.