He may have been evil, but he wasn’t a dictator. Get your facts straight, libs!

  • @goatM
    10 months ago

    oh man i wonder what happened after 1926 and Lenin’s death

    Stalin was threatening to resign because of Lenin’s Testament, in which Lenin criticised and warned about a schism inside of the party after his death and particularly about Stalin’s corruption as General Secretary. There was a legitimate possibility of the party ousting Stalin and replacing his position with one of their own, however, if Stalin resigns, then he would walk away and still pose a threat, as well as leave uncertainty over who gets his position. After he eliminated his opponents, his resignation threats were a way to test his party’s loyalty.

  • loaf
    1710 months ago

    Could you imagine how many people would completely nuked that guy if he was defending Hitler?

    I don’t get it. How can someone not recognize they’re doing the same thing, just changing the names?

    • @Socsa
      10 months ago

      Because these people are not operating in good faith, though even I am a bit surprised at how well this “herp derp mask off” thread is being received, even for hexbear.

      The site seems to be imploding a bit after federation tbh. At first they were trying to be all “hey libs look at how intellectual redfash can be” but it seems like they didn’t get many takers and are now just going full poe’s law

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      Upton Sinclair once wrote, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” He was mostly right, this is also true about personal identity.  From spending a bunch of time hanging around in anti-conservative libertarian spaces, I met a bunch of people in the early years of this movement (and in the spirit of full disclosure, I did occasionally use the spirit of communism as a repudiation of thoughtless defenses of capitalism). It’s absolutely about anticapitalism and a reactionary swing 100% in the opposite direction. And when anti-capitalism is the only motivator, you haven’t argued yourself into a position based on reason, and therefore, your chosen position is unassailable by reason.

    • @goatM
      810 months ago

      america bad. america hate stalin. stalin good.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Imagine smokin weed in the streets without cops harassin. Imagine going to court with no trial.

      • loaf
        110 months ago

        If I ruled the world

    • [email protected]
      110 months ago

      No, they get it. If you were around for “hitler did nothing wrong,” you’d recognize that they’re just trying to be assholes.