From Clerks: I’m alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn’t so lucky. You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to this… (taps his heart) not his wallet.
Hum… That assumes people weren’t forced at gunpoint to be there. That’s a pretty unlikely assumption for such kind of place.
(But Phineas and Ferb rescued them all, so it’s good.)
Fair, but had they completed their contracts under duress, who’s to say they wouldn’t be executed anyway? Those people were dead from the word go.
Oh, sure, there’s no need to defend the morality of destroying the fucking Death Star. But it’s the kind of thing that would cause a lot of suffering by itself.
Working through these hypotheticals is what brings us together. Cheers.
There’s very little morality to be found in wars, even Star Wars.
What we need is a Millenium crossover. Time travelers show up and get all the innocents off the Death Star right before the torpedoes drop. Problem solved!
I remember reading in an expanded universe comic of some kind that storm troopers are actually paid a fair bit above the galactic average, and that the first order is actually the ones who would hold you at gunpoint.
If the choice is between working on a literal genocide machine and dying, the moral choice is dying. Granting an exception for the guy who sabotages the genocide machine by building in a way to blow it up.
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The literal backstory for the death star lead designer is that his family is held at gunpoint to force his cooperation.
Are we to believe this is an isolated event or that the Empire simply took what they wanted?
Never heard anything about Bevel Lemelisk’s family being threatened, and Qwi Xux thought she was working on a piece of mining equipment.
Yeah but we’re talking about that one stormtrooper who hit his head on the door.
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My understanding is that the staff manning the station were all volunteers, but everyone involved in the designing and building of it were enslaved
What about the second death star? It was still under construction. Killed a bunch of working class people just trying to make a living.
Signing the contract to build the empire’s new wunderwaffe moves you from “working class” to “ACAB means you too”.
Tell that to all the workers forced to build weapons for the real-world regime that Lucas used to model the Empire off.
You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to this… [taps heart] not his wallet.
I don’t think they know about second Death Star, Pip.
They uh, blew up a fucking planet, so, nah, Han is OK.
I agree, but remember that the state gets to decide who’s a terrorist and who’s a freedom fighter. The empire might have been a fascist dictatorship, but they have the power to call the liberators ‘terrorists’ to turn public sentiment against them
They were also RIGHT about to blow up another one!
It didn’t melt it, it caused it to explode. And then the debris field to disperse instead of falling back into its gravity well, but not in a way that caused any damage to the Death Star.
Relevant xkcd:
IIRC the rebels were pretty literally based off of the Vietcong.
The Ewoks represented Viet Cong. The Rebel Alliance was more based off the Allies in WWII with the Empire being the Nazis.
And yeah, a lot of people died in WWII who were conscripted into service. People die in wars, just how it goes.
This is often misinterpreted. He was just talking to Bin WoooooHoooooooooooooo over in Mission Control.
how many Wookie slaves were on that Death Star and the second?
.Wookiee slaves are more of a Czerka thing, really. The empire was extremely xenophobic and I’d think would not have let any aliens near the Death Star.
Wouldn’t anyone not from Naboo be an alien to Palpatine? Jar Jar should have been less of an alien to Palpatine than Anakin was. Luke and Leia were Tatooine/Nabooian hybrids.
Xenophobism doesn’t follow things like logic. It follows arbitrary lines of us against then.
Because of that, the word “race” was equivalent to “nationality” in the Europe of the 1930s (as in “the french/german/italian/english race”), while in the USA it was equivalent to “skin color”. While most European languages don’t use the word “race” anymore, because it’s essentially meaningless since it can mean anything from species (“the human race”) to nationality, this meaning difference lives on in words like racism. Because of that, a white American who hates all white Canadians isn’t considered racist in US-English, but a white German who hates all white polish people is considered racist in German.
Since these words have aso much flexibility in their meaning, it would totally fit that the Empire is xenophobic towards anyone who looks different to humans, no matter where they are actually from.
Kinda how white people in the US are generally more racist against blacks/hispanics/asians than towards descendants from a different European country.
Think less planetary logic and more
Suffer the xenos not to live logic
None were on it by the time it was completed. Source: Thrawn 3
Public sector space Nazis that just blew up an entire planet and were about to do it again.
Its called the empire
Independent contractors, casualties of a war they had nothing to do with.
if i had a nickel for every casualty of war that had nothing to do with said war, i’d have 50 million nickels.