• @[email protected]
    841 year ago

    I think the statement should be changed to “those who went to college tend to not support the GOP”

  • @[email protected]
    681 year ago

    I wouldn’t say I support Biden. I feel most people don’t. I do know that I don’t want republicans to keep themselves over represented especially in our highest courts anymore. The DNC is the only Biden supporter.

    • @[email protected]
      651 year ago

      There’s not many Biden supporters, it’s just there’s no alternative that isn’t batshit insane.

      Voting for Biden is like breaking a leg, and the Republican alternative is like getting your leg amputated.

      Very few people want either, but if one of the two are gonna happen, it’s a pretty easy choice.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I’d view it more as just… Biden is practically a net nothing. It’s like your house is on fire. Voting for Biden is like standing by and watching it burn down. Voting for Trump (or really any other GOP member) is like adding a nuclear bomb to the fire (to own the libs or something).

        Biden does do some good and some bad things, but the good things he does are often just not enough (eg, as a Canadian, I absolutely cannot comprehend how Americans defend their cluster fuck of a healthcare system). If the house wasn’t on fire, that’d be fine, but not even trying to put out the fire is pretty shitty. There’s gonna be a lot of deaths and damage.

        As bad as it is to ignore the fire, leveling the entire city is just so laughably worse.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I support biden. Dudes a hero for beating Donnie then making it stick. Also he’s been a pretty good president.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            And then he claimed that he negotiated for them and gave them four sick days, as if that’s supposed to be a win for them? They didn’t get the pay raises or the reduction of brutal hours or even the amount of sick days they wanted but that’s supposed to be a union win for the Biden administration?

  • @[email protected]
    371 year ago

    It’s almost as if the ability to critically think about something leads to saying “republican plans are stupid”, fascinating.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        90% of the time you’re right. The other 10% I hear about this trickle down economics bullshit and it makes me want to exhume reagan’s dead ass just so I can use him as the pinata he should have been.

  • @[email protected]
    321 year ago

    That old man is like 2s from having a revelation, but his mind quickly backpedals because that would mean he’s the bad man

    • @gravitas_deficiency
      151 year ago

      Knowing things makes you want to tear your hair out at the fact that we’re trapped in a two-party system that almost without exception only gives us a choice between “bad” and “worse”. It also makes you never vote for the GOP for the rest of your life.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            Asked if he thought such walls work, he said flatly, “No.”

            The new construction was announced in June, but the funds were appropriated in 2019 before the Democratic president took office. Biden said he tried to get lawmakers to redirect the money but Congress refused, and the law requires the funding to be used as approved and the construction to be completed in 2023.

            “The money was appropriated for the border wall,” Biden said. “I can’t stop that.”

            Is that supposed to be something very damning?

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            I mean if the alternative is the guy whose literal chant was “Build the wall”, yeah, I’ll take Biden.

  • @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    I’m more anti-GOP than pro-Dem. If there was a centrist GOP party that was focused on legitimately improving efficiency and making our tax dollars go further then I’d consider that option. But I have no interest in the current dumb culture warriors trying to walk us back to the 1950’s by gunpoint.

    • @jballs
      181 year ago

      If there was a centrist GOP party that was focused on legitimately improving efficiency and making our tax dollars go further then I’d consider that option.

      I believe the expression is “and if my grandma had wheels, she’d be a bicycle.” Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to vote on how they wish the GOP was, rather than how the GOP actually is.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      The Dems are centrist gop policies from the 80s. Obama is right of reagan.

      Some people are really suckered by the Overton window in the USA.

      • @Socsa
        31 year ago

        So in your world, Obama was like murdering gay people with his own hands or something?

        I hate this argument because it reduces politics to economic policies. If you can’t see that the US has made significant social progress since the 80s, then this conversation will likely be a waste of time for both of us.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          Obama extra judicially killed a us citizen. His hands aren’t clean. There is no argument. I’m merely pointing out that Obama policies are right of Reagans.

          Facts don’t care about your feelings remember. You can hate the fact all you want.

          The whole point is if you’re expecting Dems to pull us left you’ve got a rude Awakening coming.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        What point are you trying to make? That the Dems are fiscally responsible option or something because not really, they both spend like crazy. And yeah US politics have shifted to the right, I’m not fucking suckered in by that we literally have two options because well that’s just how things when you are working off of an outdated document from the fucking 1700’s that can’t be updated effectively…Overton window has shifted a bit since then too.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I musta gone to college wrong, I ended up a communist. It’s all the same to them I guess.