heres a story from when i was a teenager

>be 14
>my mother is very sick
>constant medical issues, mobility issues
>not fat, she literally cant balance
>being 14, i thought she was invincible and would just get over it
>shes literally riddled with cancer
>shes a fighter though, and we live in australia so amazing healthcare
>she battles every shitty illness for 2 whole years
>all this time still manages to just be my mum
>makes me lunches, helps with homework, etc
>I’m always nice to her, because shes sick but sometimes it takes it toll and i get mad
>we have to eventually get a carer in to look after her as she is getting very sick
>she is bedridden before i know it, i can hear the medical equipment from my room
>wake up one night to her gasping, walk into her room with a glass of water
>shes gasping for air, she’d fallen from bed and broken 2 vertebrae
>she goes to hospital for 2 months after that
>fast forward 3 months and she is well enough to go to the park with her best friend and me
>we laugh and she even made us some sandwiches
>she gets sicker over the next few days
>but she still does those mum things, like making my school lunches
>she barely has enough energy to get out of bed, but still makes my lunch
>get called out of class one day, told to go to the office
>there is a cab waiting for me, the principal tells me “the school is here for you” but i don’t understand
>get to hospital, taken to emergency
>watch my mother smile at me and take her last breath
>later that night I’m home, walk into the kitchen after crying for hours
>open the fridge
>laid out in there are my school lunches for the next 3 days
>she literally used the last energy in her body to make sure i had my lunches for that week
>i sat there on the floor and ate every last one

i still cant think about how caring that woman was without tearing up.

god i miss her.

    • PropaGandalf
      9 months ago

      Nah, crying is the appropriate reaction when reading something like this.

  • /home/pineapplelover
    689 months ago

    I was here for a heartwarming story at the end where she gets better and everybody lives happily ever after. I feel for anon now 😢

  • @[email protected]
    489 months ago

    Fuck man, this just triggered every childhood memory at once. Hug your mom’s y’all if they still live (and aren’t shitty parents).

    • @[email protected]
      149 months ago

      Yeah my mom died of cancer last year and as a fucking adult this has me nearly in tears

    • @[email protected]
      649 months ago

      Nah my dude, that was beautiful.

      How many people have parents who are neglectful, abusive or manipulative. Kids are abandoned by parents who chose gambling, drugs, alcohol… hell even the new boyfriend/girlfriend over their kids.

      Anon KNOWS they were loved, absolutely and totally. How many people out there can think back and put their finger on the moment they understood the depth of their parents love?

  • @scarrexx
    349 months ago

    I’m not crying, you’re crying!

  • ඞmir
    189 months ago

    where the fuck is my walk the dinosaur ending :(

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    She made you lunch for a week and you just fucking eat them all at once while sat on the floor like some animal? Jfc.