In reference to the Japanese anime series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the problem was presented on the imageboard as “The Haruhi Problem”: if you wanted to watch the 14 episodes of the first season of the series in every possible order, what would be the shortest string of episodes you would need to watch?
The whole “He will not divide us” thing was pretty hilarious imo, “#SmashTheStone” was great too. 4chan is very good at mobilizing both extremely smart and extremely bored people for the sake of mischief and chaos. And yes, sometimes a little too much chaos lol.
I have yet to see any evidence of smart leak out of 4chan.
There is the Haruhi Problem, which proved a lower bound on superpermutations of sets n>5
Holy fuck that’s amazing.
Wow! I stand corrected.
You need to visit /tg/ more often. Or perhaps it has been too long since I have visited last, I suppose.
The whole “He will not divide us” thing was pretty hilarious imo, “#SmashTheStone” was great too. 4chan is very good at mobilizing both extremely smart and extremely bored people for the sake of mischief and chaos. And yes, sometimes a little too much chaos lol.