Some people can’t get over the fact that spaceX is a net positive for humans. Just as Tesla helped push other manufacturers into the world of EVs. They just hate musk to the point that anything he is associated with is bad.
everyone was moving to EV’s with or without tesla. if you want to credit anyone go back to the Prius way back in the late 90s. They set the trend, Tesla jumped on that trend.
I can’t say that without Tesla EV would be as popular, mainly because at the time when Tesla started was 9 years after the GM EV1 was a failure. I don’t think other companies would have seen building EV as a good investment, but who could know?
I’m not defending musk. So tired of that qualifier in this thread.
The prius is not an EV it’s a hybrid and nobody thought they were cool. Even tree huggers like me. Tesla made electric cars cool until everyone found out how poorly they were assembled. Then the other manufacturers, seeing that electric cars could be profitable, started tooling their assembly lines. You have your history completely backwards.
I’m not defending musk. So tired of that qualifier in this thread.
did not say you were.
The prius is not an EV it’s a hybrid and nobody thought they were cool.
it sold incredibly well and proved that there was a market, and yes it was a hybrid as the technology wasn’t there. do tesla get kudos for waiting for battery technology now?
You have your history completely backwards.
do you think that the prius came out after a tesla? you need to explain this one.
The new Prius Prime is cool af in my opinion.
it doesn’t matter what you find personally cool for what it’s worth, then or now.
If I didn’t put that qualifier there would be comments talking shit about musk. Read the rest of this comment section and it’s clear as day.
The prius did not sell incredibly well. That is completely false. It sold well enough to be profitable but even a standard Corolla sold more year after year. It took a decade or more before any other serious options existed.
The previous paragraph covers your next question. You have your history wrong about how well the Prius sold and how long until EV’s became desirable.
A better wording would have been that the new Prius is more desirable than the previous generations. Which reinforces the previous Prius not “being cool.”
The prius did not sell incredibly well. That is completely false. It sold well enough to be profitable but even a standard Corolla sold more year after year.
… uh, yes. the traditional fossil fuel based card sold better than a car selling to a new market. do you want to compare it to, oh i don’t know, a ford focus too? are you trying to talk about the hybrid version that came out in the 2010’s like 15 years after the prius?
if you want to make the argument that the prius wasn’t instrumental in proving the EV market, good luck. you won’t find much backing with these talking points.
Because there was nothing else to compare it to at the time. It was the first viable hybrid, we agree on that. The part that I’m having a hard time explaining is that it was not hugely successful and not the motivation for all current EV’s. It wasn’t even a plug-in hybrid until 2012. That is 9 years AFTER Tesla.
Major manufactures did not attempt EVs until Tesla made a killing on them. Most of them did not even make serious attempts at hybrids until the mid 2000’s.
Because there was nothing else to compare it to at the time.
grab this thread, you can maybe start to understand how they were instrumental in creating and proving the EV market that Tesla would eventually capitalise on top of
I understand your argument, I just don’t think it is right.
The Prius never motivated other car manufactures to make EVs. Seriously, tooling the assembly lines did not begin until after Tesla.
Why did it take a decade to go from Prius to Tesla, but a only a few years after Tesla for other manufactures to start seriously producing hybrids and EVs?
EVs are still going to be the wrong answer to the problem. Sure, more efficient than combustable, but still vastly less efficient than good public transport systems, walkable/bikeable cities, etc. If Elon really wanted to save the planet, he’d be building bullet trains.
but I love that he created the market for electric cars
This is like saying OJ Simpson invented Smuckers Uncrustables so he’s not all bad…
Firstly, it’s not true.
Secondly, even if it was true, it doesn’t amount to enough to celebrate him.
Because putting peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich was already a thing that was popular. It just became worse for the environment and more expensive for consumers by individuall packaging them and requiring them to be frozen.
Some people can’t get over the fact that spaceX is a net positive for humans. Just as Tesla helped push other manufacturers into the world of EVs. They just hate musk to the point that anything he is associated with is bad.
everyone was moving to EV’s with or without tesla. if you want to credit anyone go back to the Prius way back in the late 90s. They set the trend, Tesla jumped on that trend.
I can’t say that without Tesla EV would be as popular, mainly because at the time when Tesla started was 9 years after the GM EV1 was a failure. I don’t think other companies would have seen building EV as a good investment, but who could know?
I’m not defending musk. So tired of that qualifier in this thread.
The prius is not an EV it’s a hybrid and nobody thought they were cool. Even tree huggers like me. Tesla made electric cars cool until everyone found out how poorly they were assembled. Then the other manufacturers, seeing that electric cars could be profitable, started tooling their assembly lines. You have your history completely backwards.
The new Prius Prime is cool af in my opinion.
did not say you were.
it sold incredibly well and proved that there was a market, and yes it was a hybrid as the technology wasn’t there. do tesla get kudos for waiting for battery technology now?
do you think that the prius came out after a tesla? you need to explain this one.
it doesn’t matter what you find personally cool for what it’s worth, then or now.
If I didn’t put that qualifier there would be comments talking shit about musk. Read the rest of this comment section and it’s clear as day.
The prius did not sell incredibly well. That is completely false. It sold well enough to be profitable but even a standard Corolla sold more year after year. It took a decade or more before any other serious options existed.
The previous paragraph covers your next question. You have your history wrong about how well the Prius sold and how long until EV’s became desirable.
A better wording would have been that the new Prius is more desirable than the previous generations. Which reinforces the previous Prius not “being cool.”
… uh, yes. the traditional fossil fuel based card sold better than a car selling to a new market. do you want to compare it to, oh i don’t know, a ford focus too? are you trying to talk about the hybrid version that came out in the 2010’s like 15 years after the prius?
if you want to make the argument that the prius wasn’t instrumental in proving the EV market, good luck. you won’t find much backing with these talking points.
Because there was nothing else to compare it to at the time. It was the first viable hybrid, we agree on that. The part that I’m having a hard time explaining is that it was not hugely successful and not the motivation for all current EV’s. It wasn’t even a plug-in hybrid until 2012. That is 9 years AFTER Tesla.
Major manufactures did not attempt EVs until Tesla made a killing on them. Most of them did not even make serious attempts at hybrids until the mid 2000’s.
grab this thread, you can maybe start to understand how they were instrumental in creating and proving the EV market that Tesla would eventually capitalise on top of
I understand your argument, I just don’t think it is right.
The Prius never motivated other car manufactures to make EVs. Seriously, tooling the assembly lines did not begin until after Tesla.
Why did it take a decade to go from Prius to Tesla, but a only a few years after Tesla for other manufactures to start seriously producing hybrids and EVs?
Tesla made rich people like EVs instead of making EVs viable for poor people. Tongue off boot please
EVs are still going to be the wrong answer to the problem. Sure, more efficient than combustable, but still vastly less efficient than good public transport systems, walkable/bikeable cities, etc. If Elon really wanted to save the planet, he’d be building bullet trains.
Oh a hundred percent. Better but not enough
I think Musk is unwilling to ignore incentive structure as a necessary component of his plans.
Tesla did help get the economy moving faster to EVs which is a net positive.
I think the way things turned out, anyone could of had that effect Tesla just happened to be in the right place at the right time though.
deleted by creator
This is like saying OJ Simpson invented Smuckers Uncrustables so he’s not all bad…
Firstly, it’s not true.
Secondly, even if it was true, it doesn’t amount to enough to celebrate him.
Because putting peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich was already a thing that was popular. It just became worse for the environment and more expensive for consumers by individuall packaging them and requiring them to be frozen.
deleted by creator
Oh wow…
I mean I was going off of actual facts that you were wrong…
But “it is true” completely changed my mind, without Musk buying a company that already existed, we never would have gotten EVs!
deleted by creator
No, you said Tesla created the market…
I said that was false, now your demanding I prove your wrong because you can’t prove your opinion is facts.
That’s not how this is supposed to work…
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