Far-right Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has insinuated that fellow House Republican Jason Smith (R-MO) is a closeted gay man.

Gaetz made the insinuation on a recent installment of his Firebrand podcast. In it, Gaetz replayed Smith’s comments calling Gaetz a “foolish liar” and adding, “If Matt Gaetz’s lips are moving, it’s only lies that’s coming out of it.”

Smith accused Gaetz of lying about former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) sabotaging the candidacies of several Republican nominees for Speaker. House Republicans nominated three unsuccessful candidates and considered many others for the leadership role after Gaetz and seven other House Republicans voted to eject McCarthy from the speakership in early October. Republicans eventually voted rabidly anti-LGBTQ+ Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) into the position.

  • @[email protected]
    948 months ago

    I can understand Matt Gaetz feels right at home and very comfortable in the Republican Party as a vile and disgusting child sex trafficer and misogynist. But what I will never understand is a gay republican.

        • @Zipitydew
          88 months ago

          I’m related to one. He’s an interesting case in cognitive dissonance.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            Genuinely curious does he think gay people don’t deserve rights or that the Republicans aren’t really trying to destroy gay rights?

            • @Zipitydew
              48 months ago

              Some of both actually. He’s got money and always lived comfortably. Thinks all those vocal LGBTQ people are just doing it for the attention.

              Think Peter Thiel but far less rich and not quite that crazy.

      • @[email protected]
        168 months ago

        True. I wonder how they feel about lynching though? Because make no mistake about it that’s where Republicans are headed.

        • @[email protected]
          218 months ago

          I wonder if the gay republicans or the black republicans will be the first to get their faces eaten?

                • @[email protected]
                  48 months ago

                  Yep, exactly. It is almost like idiots spent no time learning anything at all about history.

                  What did they think the Night of the Long Knives was about, anyway? What about Jews for Hitler (really a thing)? How did that go?

                  All of these morons, even if “racially pure” and male and straight/xtian - did they not learn what happens in the power struggles after? Sure, they may have the blessing of the fascists at the top for a minute to run amok and kill, etc. But how many of the “vanguard” survive for very long? Even those that end up at the top end up with a bullet in their head, literally or metaphorically, eventually - Hitler, Mussolini…and it was all for naught.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Because of that last part: I guess that’s what also annoys me so much about certain segments of the left these days. They are so concerned about what is essentially minutiae of culture wars and while they SAY they realize the existential threat that cons pose, they sure don’t seem to act like it. I almost wonder if some of them are plants put there by the likes of Putin to make sure fascism has a better chance here.

    • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
      108 months ago

      I get the feeling they have an authority fetish, can’t properly get off unless they’re breaking the rules.

  • @[email protected]
    318 months ago

    Gaetz would probably know, to be honest. It seems congressional Republicans are fond of their Coke-fuelled orgies, at least according to the only member they actually ousted (remember Cawthorn?).

    The only real sin Republicans care about enough to do something about is revealing their secrets.

  • ALQ
    198 months ago

    Ah, we lost McCarthy, but that’s triggered more (new-age) McCarthyism. Seems about right for them.

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    According to the Republican Party, being homosexual is worse than being a supporter of rape.

    • Bakkoda
      38 months ago

      Here comes the next wave of McCarthyism. What a fine look for the government of the United States of America.