My opinion is the superior opinion!
I’ve got a widescreen monitor, why am I forced into a small column in the middle of my screen? It also hurts my eyes
admins need time to get themes, load them and test them. keep heat on your instance admin if you really want it, they have the power.
Cool. What’s the admin’s home address?
y’all scury
Yeah I’m all for love and peace but don’t mess with my monitors dude
I’ve been stuffing reddit-like themes in ! just search for Reddit and youll find them.
Dude turn it sideways like a normal human being
All Hail Hypnotoad
Get a decent sized screen and the small column in the middle of your screen turns into a large column in the middle of the screen.
Grandpa also tipped me once that you can increase the desktop DPI or buy a magnifying glass incase the letters are too small.
This is made for you
Why fix ui when could turn monitor sideways
I suggest viewing ! as there are a few options to remove the padding on the sides.
I know this is three weeks old but if you still haven’t found a solution this will work.