• @IliveonsaturdaysM
    1 year ago

    As a Moderator, I was considering deleting this post as I don’t encourage the spread of propaganda and especially not North Korean propaganda. North Korea is a terrible totalitarian dictatorship, that treats its own citizens as prisoners and has no respect for human life and autonomy.

    The reason I haven’t deleted it is because I find it interesting how North Korea frames propaganda and tries to affect people outside NK, and in doing so, so helplessly misses the mark so often. Also because the aim of NKnews seems to be to report from NK in a neutral way.


    Media check for NKnews: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/nk-news/

    Interesting article from insider on modern NK propaganda: https://www.insider.com/north-korea-youtubers-propaganda-sogwang-kim-jong-un-2023-2?amp


    • @remi_pan
      31 year ago

      Since the article is written by a North Korean defector, it is clearly not NK propaganda.

      • @IliveonsaturdaysM
        1 year ago

        Yes I understand that, but the article was being downvoted when I wrote that, and when I first glanced at it, I thought it was propaganda as too.

        NK-news also took a moment to research, because their approach seem to be a non-aggressive one (with North Korea) and the only articles that aren’t completely negative about NK, are usually propaganda in some form. What you can read from the link about them is, that they are in fact mostly neutral.

        So, I might not have been too clear in my comment, and I admit I only skimmed the article on my way to work, but I was actually trying to defend the article being there and giving it some background.

  • @remi_pan
    31 year ago

    Interresting article. It first reminded me of 1984 by Orwell, which is basically a love story. The way that the state try to control love (specifically in educated people) seems quite similar.