• @[email protected]
    888 months ago

    There was the whole “Winning the Nobel Peace Prize while ordering drone assassinations”, but yeah, tan suit was #1.

    • @[email protected]
      418 months ago

      Imagine 2014 fox trying to rile up their base because the president was killing innocent brown people. They wouldn’t give a fuck. Tan suit and Dijon mustard were all they had to work with.

    • @winterayars
      68 months ago

      Yeah but that wasn’t a scandal. The news, his peers, everyone (important) was all on the same side. At least on the drone strike thing. Not everyone was happy about him winning the Nobel.

    • @ImFresh3x
      58 months ago

      I’ll take targeted strikes over the indiscriminate ones that level residential blocks I’ve seen lately.

      • @thecrotch
        68 months ago

        “Targeted” strikes that blew up schools, weddings, and a doctor’s without borders hospital

    • @[email protected]
      08 months ago

      Obama was like Sherman: His deeds will be memorized in the occupied territory for all of eternity.

    • @thecrotch
      118 months ago

      and a doctor’s without borders hospital. You know you’re a piece of shit when one of the most altruistic organizations that’s ever existed calls you a war criminal

    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      Certainly, presidents have some responsibility for things that the military does during their tenure, but people talk about these events, like he was told they were striking a DWB facility. I suspect he was told told they had located their target, and he approved without knowledge of the location and potential blowback.

      His Whitehouse always struck me as more savvy than that, which led me to believe some of these were the result of omissions during communication from overseas.

      That said, I totally believe they would bomb a wedding if they felt a high enough priority target was there (even if they were wrong). I felt the military was given ALOT of freedom to make decisions on their own while Obama was in office.

  • ArugulaZ
    448 months ago

    Don’t forget when he dared to ask for GREY POUPON on his hot dog! Oh, gasp and swoon! The media assured us that it was exactly as bad as Trump raping a thirteen year old girl, because anything one side does is just as bad as everything the other side does.

  • Teon
    308 months ago

    The real scandal was how fucking hot he looked in that suit!
    And how jealous the GOP was of it.

  • @[email protected]
    118 months ago

    Republicans accused him of trying to remove God on the money and made him sign shit to “remind him”.

    They also accused him of saying tire gauges were his foreign policy plan because they love lying and are a bunch of bastards.

    Lots of aren’t fond of the Dems either but the Republicans are just terrible people.

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      It was the most obviously “Fuck this guy.” made up scandal.

      I feel like it wasn’t even perceived as political but just rude. If not for all the surrounding events and years since, I would have believed it was just someone trying to make conservatives look petty. Now I know they actually are.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    You’d think it was when he approved the extrajudicial killing of a US citizen with a drone. Imagine someone like Trump running with the precedent he set.

    • PLAVAT🧿S
      118 months ago

      Oh yeah, that’s fun, let’s go back further. Remember when Bush lied about WMDs to invade Iraq? Imagine Obama running with a war in the Middle East on his hands.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        George Washington executed his own troops for demanding to be paid for their service. Imagine… Yeah.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            Do you know what those tea taxes were about? The colonists kept starting wars with local tribes and the king got sick of paying for it, so he imposed taxes on the colonies to pay for their own genocidal wars.

            The US was founded to guarantee the right to carry out genocide without paying for it all, with a constitution that explicitly kept slavery legal and only allows rich white men to vote. A slave holder who’s dentures were made out of human teeth from slaves murdered a bunch of his own soldiers who he’d promised to pay and feed them didn’t.

            Yeah, there’s the nation’s soul right there. It’s been on the same trajectory since the beginning.