How the fuck did you get that from that? They weren’t saying to end elections, just that they’ve got very little power in today’s climate where the entire worlds rule of law is dictated by a small percentage of publicly traded hedge funds and companies.
The right globally has been dismantling all the progress we’ve made since the 70s in a fuckton of issues.
When a single representative of a company can sit with elected officials in a private setting and influence the law to favor industry over individual, elections really do mean shit. We’ve got to reinforce them. This starts with ending the power of the ogliarchs and rewriting shit on our terms.
Because his solution for something getting reported on more and more is to write less reports
It’s like when a video game has a character with a shitty pickrate cause their kit is no fun and they make an event and tie a bunch of content to them instead of making them fun. Later they’re like look! You liked so and so all along! Oblivious to the fact they fudged their own damn numbers