They have elections, currency, standing military. The system of democracy isn’t perfect but name me one that is?
That’s a country, please try again.
They have elections, currency, standing military. The system of democracy isn’t perfect but name me one that is?
That’s a country, please try again.
They also don’t have to be both bad to be equal. Have you looked into logical fallacies … ever?
Of all the genocides being committed across the world today most are being committed by Muslims in Africa and Southeast Asia. They only have one tiny bit of the Middle East and that’ll take care of most of the ethnic diversity left in the region.
Why do you all love the infitada so much?
Israel is a functional democracy and Gaza is a failed terrorist state. They are not equal in any form or fashion.
When has there ever been a Palestinian state and why do you live under the impression only Jews and Palestinians live in Israel?
Look at the borders of Israel in the 60s and today, and perhaps ask Jordan and Egypt why they can’t give land to Palestinians?
Why does Hamas refuse to allow the red cross access to inspect hostages?
Why do Christians and Muslims want to wipe all the Jews from the earth?
That was a really nice apology. Good for her, that takes a lot of guts.
They had Ubuntu available at Amazon while I worked there, when Windows got native ssh there wasn’t a reason to use it anymore.
CN rail was privatized in 1995. It hasn’t been good.
Being a weirdo about sex
Palestinians have been offered a state countless times. The Arab and Iranian Muslims that fund Hamas’ terrorism won’t be happy until everyone is dead or a Muslim.
It’s 2024 why are we supporting religious terrorists?
Biting insects kill more people than any other animal group by miles, the reaction response is more or less the same in every mammal. Evolution doesn’t evolve to anything, that’s selective pressure.
This behavior predates humans as we know ourselves today.
La-z-boy recliners are ambush predators, I hope one manages to get him.
To answer your question this is a Windows 11 thing. Windows 10 will be my Windows 7 which was my Windows XP, which was my Windows 98.
Tldr skip every other one.
Never trust a snake.
It does great with common code patterns that it can just drop in place. 99.9% Artificial, 0.01% intelligence.
I’ve seen what Amazon produces internally for software, I think the LLMs could probably do a better job.
I don’t see the IDF hiding behind their women and children in the tunnels they forced children to build for them.