• @[email protected]
      392 months ago

      Biden is the one supporting slaughter right now, and Biden is the one with power to stop it.

      What would protesting Trump do?

      • dream_weasel
        2 months ago

        Honestly? It would keep him hopefully from having a close enough election to contest it, game it, and potentially evade punishment for the crimes he’s actually on trial RIGHT NOW for committing. Then there is precedent for punishing a president and guess who can be next?

        Biden does not sit on a button that says “lower gas prices” or “defund Israel” or “hold trump accountable” or any of a whole variety of things in the first place. Can he do more? Sure. Would I trash him because everybody has to do the exact right thing with the exact right issue every time or I’m going to take my ball and go home to let the other guy win and escape punishment for the first time ever? Fuck. No.

        Get precedent for punishment, then punish them all.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          The US by its own law must not send weapons to war criminals and actors preventing US humanitarian efforts Israel is doing both. All Biden has to do is uphold US law. Why are you letting him get away with the same shit that Trump did?

          • dream_weasel
            -12 months ago

            See last sentence of previous comment.

            Nobody has to get away with anything, the only trick is not chasing every squirrel in the park to make sure nothing gets done.

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          Read my comment very carefully. Where did I say “Trump would do less harm?” Exactly nowhere.

          Protesting Trump for what he will probably do if he makes it to office rather than the sitting president actively supporting genocide is hilariously ineffective.

          You should try knowing what you’re talking about some time

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              No it isn’t, lmao. Who the fuck protests someone who can’t fix the problem at hand? Do you want to protest against Hitler for also being worse than Biden as Biden assists in slaughtering children?

              “Kiddo,” you’re deeply unserious.

        • @[email protected]
          252 months ago

          Israel is already absolutely blasting every man, woman, and child in Gaza, with no sign of stopping. Could Trump be worse? Sure. Is giving Biden a pass and falling in line with his genocide going to make things better? Absolutely the fuck not.

          • @[email protected]
            -102 months ago

            I didn’t say anything about Biden, only that Trump getting into office would make make Israel feel emboldened to kill more children with Trump openly applauding and perhaps even supporting with American troops on the ground. Biden needs to change his view but we are protesting while standing on the lip of a maga volcano.

            • @[email protected]
              92 months ago

              Biden is openly appluading it and sending American weapons. If you think Trump is bad, I agree! Biden needs to be worth voting for.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -52 months ago

                    I think Trump is the much much bigger threat. He supports the genocide in both Ukraine and Israel. At least Biden is vocally against the genocide in Israel. We just need to get Biden into office then work on getting aid to Gaza and a cease-fire along with continued support for Ukraine. Trump in office could mean the end of NATO and with that the proliferation of nuclear weapons among all the other NATO members now that their nuclear umbrella is gone. Everywhere could be like Gaza of Trump is allowed anywhere near the oval office. He is a risk not worth taking under any circumstances.

      • @Classy
        92 months ago

        I’m so glad Trump is running because it means Biden can do literally anything and every single voter can just scream BUT TRUMP TOO and suddenly Joe is absolved.

        • @[email protected]
          232 months ago

          That’s completely unrelated. Biden is the current president, and he must answer for his decisions.

          If Biden is concerned he’ll loose to Trump over this, THEN STOP FEEDING THE GENOCIDE. It’s that simple.

            • @[email protected]
              152 months ago

              You are entirely missing the point here. You seem so deluded by factionalism that you can’t see this as anything but a democrat vs Republican issue.

              This is a HUMAN GODDAMN LIVES issue. A literal genocide is happening and you’re playing the whataboutism game. “Whataboutism” is used way too much as a phrase in discussions, but this is a textbook example of it.

              “Biden is contributing to genocide.”

              “But trump is a criminal.”

              “Okay…but people are literally being slaughtered and starved on the US’s dime and the president is still voicing support in the face of the atrocities we are all witnessing.”

              “But trump-“

              Just stop. No one here likes trump. We understand stacking domestic chaos on top of this issue is no good. But we are faced with no good option right now. The entire argument for voting for democrats over republicans is usually “but we can push the democrats through shame to do what is right.” THAT IS WHAT THIS IS.

              We’re not playing politics. We’re playing try to save some goddamn lives with civil disobedience.

                • @[email protected]
                  32 months ago

                  Like, it’s something we all understand. But that doesn’t absolve the Biden admin’s full-dive involvement. This administration is complicit in genocide.

                  That doesn’t mean another president wouldn’t be as well. The US as a country and entity is complicit. But that’s what we’re trying to change by calling out the weaker link—because the point isn’t playing politics. It’s stopping the genocide. What’s happening right now in Gaza is untenable. And Biden is supposed to be the better option—again, yes, we all understand trump would not be better. But that doesn’t change what’s happening. We need to be able to pressure our representatives, especially when they claim to be morally superior to the “other” party. And especially when they’re more likely to change. We have Biden over the barrel because it’s an election year, and he’s seeing a ton of pressure from people he needs the votes of. Hats leverage we don’t typically have. We need to use it. Also, it’s fuckin genocide. I don’t know how else to say it. And it needs to stop. This isn’t us claiming anything except we don’t want what’s happening to continue. We’re not discussing the election. This supersedes it.

                  This is what we need to do. Because, the point is stopping the genocide. Not playing politics. And that’s what you just can’t see past. Like I said, we voted for Biden knowing he was supposed to be the more morally sound option. And here he is participating in genocide. We are trying to push the president who is vulnerable on this issue to do the right thing. That’s what needs to happen. BECAUSE THERE IS A FUCKING GENOCIDE TAKING PLACE. That fact isn’t going away, no matter how much of a disaster trump would be. This president is vulnerable on the issue, and the point isn’t politics. It’s stopping a goddamn genocide.

                  What is your point you’re making here? Because you’re not saying anything anyone else doesn’t know. But that doesn’t we shouldn’t be skewering Biden for this. Because he holds the reins of power. This is what we should be doing, if not more.

        • azuth
          22 months ago


    • @[email protected]
      182 months ago

      How is that relevant to this? Are people not allowed to protest now because “other guy would be worse”? That’s an actual authoritarian tactic.

      This isn’t saying “Trump would be better”. This is saying “Biden supporting a genocide is unacceptable”.

      • @[email protected]
        192 months ago

        Woaah. Hold up there cowboy. Are you suggesting we hold politicians responsible for their policy?

      • ObliviousEnlightenment
        -62 months ago

        It’s very counterproductive given the two party system, yes. Especially when you consider Congress is restricting a lot of what he can do, he does not have the power to just cut off any foreign power he wants

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            Our profitable and innovative medical industrial complex, their ineffective and authoritarian free healthcare, etc

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      Yeah, we should all pretend everything’s fine so that after the election happens we can keep sending bombs to do genocide.

    • TonyOstrich
      112 months ago

      I personally fully agree with the image created by the protestors AND plan on voting for Biden.

        • TonyOstrich
          52 months ago

          Not quite. I will criticize him ruthlessly while in the same breath acknowledging that he is the best realistic option we have and stating others should also vote for him. I know the masses are dumb and easily swayed, but staying silent isn’t something I am morally OK with. What I am doing is the compromise I have made with myself that best takes all of my personal beliefs and ethics into account.

    • @[email protected]
      -12 months ago

      “You should vote for a person enabling genocide because the other candidate hypothetically would have done worse in an alternate reality, maybe.” Real high iq take there.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Whataboutism is an appeal to hypocrisy. We are facing a general election, talking about the opposing candidate is necessary.

        • OBJECTION!
          -22 months ago

          So if two candidates are in direct competition, it’s fair to respond to criticism of one by bringing up problems with the other.

          Does this logic also hold if you replace the word “candidate” with “country?”