The plaintiffs had not sought to repeal the ban, but rather to force clarification and transparency as to the precise circumstances in which exceptions are allowed. They also wanted doctors to be allowed more discretion to intervene when medical complications arise in pregnancy.

The lead plaintiff, Amanda Zurawski, said she was outraged by Friday’s ruling on behalf of all the plaintiffs who, she said, “the Court deemed not sick enough.”

  • starman2112
    4 months ago

    Again, with regard to moving out of state, you cannot help yourself and help other people. You have to weigh the risk of continuing to live in the state with the risk posed to others if you leave. Personally I’m willing to risk some conceptual potential harm to myself if it means helping to prevent very real, tangible harm to others. If I leave, that potential harm is gone, but there’s one less person holding the presently real harm back.