Pull up to McDonald’s, order a Big Mac, fries and orange juice. Pay and take the bag at the window. Open the bag at the park, it’s cancer medicine! Some little kid in the hospital is eating your fries! Stupid AI, second time this week!
Edit: I’m willing to take my downvotes, but I need to know, is it because I made a joke about little kids being denied cancer medicine by stupid AI? Or is it because I like orange juice?
Pull up to McDonald’s, order a Big Mac, fries and orange juice. Pay and take the bag at the window. Open the bag at the park, it’s cancer medicine! Some little kid in the hospital is eating your fries! Stupid AI, second time this week!
Edit: I’m willing to take my downvotes, but I need to know, is it because I made a joke about little kids being denied cancer medicine by stupid AI? Or is it because I like orange juice?
Who the fuck drinks orange juice with a Big Mac and fries!?
It’s as sweet as soda and no bubbles to take up space needed for Special Sauce and fries.
You disgust us.
Or worse, its a burger. Who’s eating my cancer medicine?!??
Well, my joke was really about the little kid being denied cancer medicine by the same AI being used by the insurance company…
Oh I get it, that is funny in a dark way