• Lemdee
    10711 months ago

    Trump will go complete fascist

    Yes, as opposed to his super progressive stances he’s had up until this point… He’s always been a complete fascist, thankfully for us he was just too dumb to fully capitalize on it while in office.

    • Puppy
      -7011 months ago

      Trump isn’t a fascist. His supporters are. He just says whatever they want to hear 🤷‍♂️

      Trump understood that, or at least his handlers and now he’s milking the fuck outta 'em.

      • @[email protected]
        7311 months ago

        He’s not fascist, he just says fascist things and encourages his followers to act in fascist ways.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          The Trump Administration is correctly aligned with Fascism. Several U.S. Presidents were also Fascist, the previous being the Reagan Administration.

          • @[email protected]
            1711 months ago

            Wait, FDR is a left communist? He was a social democrat. There’s a joke about how the New Deal saved capitalism. Who the fuck made this?

            • TurtleJoe
              611 months ago

              They’re using the ol’ Political Cumpiss Memes plot chart.

              • @[email protected]
                511 months ago

                PCM was 100% idiots and fascists. It would make a lot of sense that they’d create something so dumb.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              He wasn’t even really a social democrat, to be honest. He bowed to the pressure of the socialist party at the time to prevent an actual fucking revolution (even if it would have been unsuccessful). Fdr understood that actual socialism would come knocking at the door if he didn’t capitulate. Clearly the best president we’ve had (in economic terms) in the mostly modern era, but he wasn’t as progress as people believe.


              Also, tf is a “left” communist in this context? That’s not generally a term used, and when it is, it’s normally to point out the distinction between anarchists and Marxists, as in Lenin’s “left-wing communism.”

              Is this chart claiming FDR was an anarcho-communist? Because… No. LMAO

              • @[email protected]
                211 months ago

                Fdr understood that actual socialism would come knocking at the door if he didn’t capitulate.

                Sounds like a textbook social democrat to me. Recognizing that social programs were necessary to prevent unrest is a likely reason that people from a wealthy political dynasty would support them. It’s why both Roosevelts were so successful. They had their fingers on America’s pulse and appealed to the white working class. They appealed on one hand, to their economic frustrations, breaking up monopolies and funding programs that helped people in desperate need. On the other hand, they appealed to nationalism and bigotry with Teddy’s imperialism and FDR’s alienation of ethnic groups like Japanese and Mexican American citizens.

                The Democrats right now can’t really use the same strategy, as they have a diverse coalition that wouldn’t be down with that internal bigotry, while the white working class have embraced fascism because bigotry has been such a big part of their culture. The Democratic base is made of people who reject bigotry. That’s the key value they all share. They are certainly more left wing economically than Republicans, but there are plenty of neoliberal Democrats that contribute big campaign dollars and reliable votes who the Dems don’t want to alienate.

                These Democrats are selfish pricks that want to keep their privilege, but not descend into fascism. Maybe it’s because they’re a minority that’ll lose their privilege under fascism. Maybe they recognize that fascism is volatile and bad for long term business. Whatever the case, they aren’t willing to give up their privilege to make a better world.

              • @[email protected]
                411 months ago

                That’s like saying oranges are basically apples. They aren’t even claiming to strive for communism. Unlike democratic socialists who want to achieve a state of communism, social democracy is the end goal. The end goal is to have the government clean up where capitalism fails, but still keep capitalism and private property around. You could make the argument that all socialists are communists, but social democrats fundamentally aren’t. It shows that you have no idea what communism is. Communism is not “government does stuff.” It’s an unrealized political ideal that is not about the state dominating everything. In fact, plenty of communists are anti-state.

                  • @[email protected]
                    311 months ago

                    A system for understanding political leanings that classifies anti-communist southerners like LBJ as left communists is not an accurate one. Leanings like right or left are general enough to make sense, but terms like communist or liberal are more definitive ideologies. Whoever made this list either has no actual expertise in politics or is trying to push some sort of agenda. There has never been a socialist president, let alone a communist one.

          • Lemdee
            11 months ago

            I’m aware, you should send that to Puppy as they seem to be the one who’s confused. Why’d you reply to me with that?

            • Puppy
              -211 months ago

              Oh no, I’m not confused. I’m serious. You’re the only one confused here.

              Trump isn’t a fascist. He’s a fucking idiot.

              You seem to think he is a mastermind with a superplan.

              Laughable. He’s a fucking moron that doesn’t stand for anything beside money. If the easier side to manipulate were liberals, he would be a full blown out socialist.

              The guy is leading the flock of sheep that drive in the most money. End of the story. Stop pretending he even knows and understand what hes saying.

              Holy shit you are blind if you think Trump is a genius

              • Lemdee
                11 months ago

                You seem to think he is a mastermind with a superplan.

                Holy shit you are blind if you think Trump is a genius

                Where the hell are you getting this idea from? Why are you implying that in order for him to be a fascist he has to be a genius with a super plan? Did you miss my initial comment you replied to saying he was too dumb? Most fascists are in fact, quite dumb. That’s typically how they end up being fascists. He’s a fucking moron, who happens to be a fascist.

              • Flying Squid
                611 months ago

                You can be both a fascist and an idiot. The two do not oppose one another.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Trump is the 45th president. How do you make a list like this and ignore the only black president you ever had.

        • Puppy
          -1411 months ago

          Well I disagree. You seem to suggest he is a mastermind and has a plan.

          He doesn’t. He’s an idiot. He just say to whichever side is the easiest side to convince whatever they want to hear and they’ll go with it.

          If that make him a fascist, for you, so be it. I don’t care I’m not here to defend Trump, of all the people lol.

          I just disagree that he stand for anything. He’s an idiot manipulated by bigger fish like Putin and whoever he own money to.

            • @yata
              811 months ago

              Or that they need to be smart?

            • @SailorMoss
              11 months ago

              Fascism is not a coherent ideology. So the fact Trump says/does incoherent shit to maintain his power is actually evidence that he may be a fascist rather than evidence against it. This guy has no idea what he’s talking about.

      • Echo Dot
        1811 months ago

        “Trump isn’t fascist he just says and does fascist things.”


      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        What’s the difference? It’s a democracy. There’s some level of circularity between the people who vote for a candidate and the candidate themselves.