Borders protect the values of a country. Not necessarily of any morals, but more so the power established and concentrated by their rules and environment. Rampant and uncontrolled immigration allows any Tom Dick and Harry to enter even if they hold values or completely contrary to what benefits that nation. Pretty much everything you benefit from in Western civilization comes as a result of compounding the efforts of a combined will for betterment. Doesn’t matter what race, just that there’s a concentrated will. That’s why anarchism will never work.
If you believe being picky is racist then you’re a moron.
You’re getting dunked on so hard all through this thread. It’s not a disagreement lol. You’re just wrong on every point you’ve made so far and the responses are proving it. Grow up and do some research
Welcome to the human condition. In order for any kind of society or modern convenience to exist we need collaboration which doesn’t come naturally between groups.
Except it does. Nearly all societies before the invention of currency worked on a lend and trade basis, depending on how close they were. Human nature genuinely isn’t greed. That is a learned condition for those not born with BPD or a sociopathy.
And yet we’ve developed faster and faster until this point with no signs of slowing down. Do you really think you don’t have it a million times better today than somebody living in a time of barter and trade? Back when infant mortality was 50%, and disease had no cures?
Ah yes. Nationalism. Truly one of the great evils of society. Never mind that it’s fundamental to countries existing and thriving.
Countries existing is not fundamental
Human nature is tribal.
Yes, but that doesn’t mean countries
Human Nature has largely been to distance ourselves from the baser “Animal Instinct” we have which is largely what we feel makes us human.
So. Yes. Our baser animal instinct is to be tribal but our Human Nature is to be capable of expanding our tribe into a community.
Yes and
Go on… Please out yourself since all understand what you really mean by this
Borders protect the values of a country. Not necessarily of any morals, but more so the power established and concentrated by their rules and environment. Rampant and uncontrolled immigration allows any Tom Dick and Harry to enter even if they hold values or completely contrary to what benefits that nation. Pretty much everything you benefit from in Western civilization comes as a result of compounding the efforts of a combined will for betterment. Doesn’t matter what race, just that there’s a concentrated will. That’s why anarchism will never work.
If you believe being picky is racist then you’re a moron.
Be better
You should be better. I’m fine where I am.
No you…? Lol. Also no you aren’t
Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you’re correct. Be better. Use your brain.
You’re getting dunked on so hard all through this thread. It’s not a disagreement lol. You’re just wrong on every point you’ve made so far and the responses are proving it. Grow up and do some research
“dunked on”. No. I just don’t agree with the majority of the site. That doesn’t mean I’m getting “dunked on”. It just means opinions differ.
Maybe countries shouldn’t exist, given their pointlessness and the evil necessary to continue their existence.
Welcome to the human condition. In order for any kind of society or modern convenience to exist we need collaboration which doesn’t come naturally between groups.
Except it does. Nearly all societies before the invention of currency worked on a lend and trade basis, depending on how close they were. Human nature genuinely isn’t greed. That is a learned condition for those not born with BPD or a sociopathy.
And yet we’ve developed faster and faster until this point with no signs of slowing down. Do you really think you don’t have it a million times better today than somebody living in a time of barter and trade? Back when infant mortality was 50%, and disease had no cures?
Correlation without even a hint of causality isnt exactly a good argument.