• @[email protected]
    1099 months ago

    “Violating international law” is pretty sterile/soft verbiage for fucking war crimes.

    • @[email protected]
      849 months ago

      We have a Jewish politician open criticizing Israel, I’m pretty sure that says more than enough on its own

      • @gravitas_deficiency
        279 months ago

        And cue someone from the GOP calling him an antisemite/Nazi in 3… 2… 1…

      • @[email protected]
        269 months ago

        What do you mean? Jewish politicians are the only ones allowed to even mildly criticize Israel, because anti-semitism claims against them are taken slightly less seriously.

    • uralsolo [he/him]
      269 months ago

      It’s also funny because he also denounced Hamas’ attack even though resisting a military occupation/blockade is allowed by international law.

      • He denounced specific parts of the attack. The section of international law that explicitly allows violent resistance to a military occupation or blockade doesn’t exempt the resistors from the rest of international law. The IDF/Israel and Hamas have the same obligations under international law(s).

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Yeah last I checked shooting up music festivals isn’t tho…

        Every Hamas supporter seems to have this same cognitive dissonance.

        Is Israel genocidal? Absolutely

        Is hamas genocidal? Absolutely

        Stop supporting genocide and claiming to be a leftist. You’re really just an extremist pos.

        Yes, Israel has the advantage. No, that doesn’t make terrorism any less bad.

        Stand with Palestine but denounce Hamas at every single opportunity, just as we should denounce the genocidal government of Israel at every opportunity.

        • the_kid [he/him]
          109 months ago

          serious question - if Jews in a ghetto during WW2 got together some weapons, revolted, left the ghetto and killed a bunch of German civilians partying right outside the ghetto, would you call it “genocidal” and “terrorism” and say “yes, while Nazi Germany is bad, so are these Jews who committed terrorism”?

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would. Mindless violence is never a good thing…

            Most German citizens were not nazis, just as most Israeli citizens aren’t in favor of genocide. A powerful and motivated political minority is a scary thing indeed, kinda like Repubs in the US, or the current leaders of Israel, or Hamas, or the countless far-right Renaissances happening across Europe rn. Need I go on?

            Again, I don’t disagree that Israel is genocidal. That doesn’t mean mindless violence and genocide in return are anywhere near the answer. There’s a reason MLK would leave cities if protesting turned into rioting. Even when you have the right answers, turning to violence isn’t a solution.

            Does it suck to take the high road all the time? Yeah. Do you have to do it to not fall to the same level as the opponents? Also yes.

            • the_kid [he/him]
              9 months ago

              it doesn’t suck for you to take the high road, you’re sitting in the west living a comfortable life, it’s super easy for you to ‘condemn’ both sides and go on with your day. what are Gazans supposed to do? they’re living in hell on earth, and the entire world had turned their backs on them.

              peacefully protest? they’ve tried that

              try to get the word out about how bad their situation is? they’ve tried that

              what should they have done instead? just do nothing and let Israel keep building settlements and murdering them and commit a slow genocide? I can’t blame them for violently struggling in whatever means possible. even under international law, occupied populations have the right to engage in armed struggle. it sucks that it came to this, but Israel is responsible for every death that happens because they want to commit genocide against the native population rather than peacefully coexist.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                Occupied populations absolutely have the right to engage in an armed struggle, just not the right to murder…

                I do sit in an ivory tower here, but so do you, and that doesn’t make either of our words ring less true.

                Take the words and actions of MLK, somebody who actually accomplished great social change while not living in that ivory tower.

                Hate begets hate.

            • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
              9 months ago

              The Jews would have been justified in killing every German they could get their hands on if it could help stop the Holocaust.

              A genocidal society has no right to claim the mercy of a civilian/soldier distinction. They do not recognize it themselves.

              It is a horrible tragedy on a personal level. No one person has any power over the situation they find themselves in, but that is the brutal logic of war. Societies will feel less safe in engaging in targeting civilians if their own are subject to retaliation when they do so.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                But would it? No.

                It wouldn’t help stop the holocaust, only create death and destruction, that’s kinda the whole point…

                The death of your brother doesn’t make you want to forgive his murderer and instead radicalizes you more deeply against him.

                Is Israel stopping the targeting of citizens now? No! They’ve cut off water and electricity to Gaza again.

                Hate begets hate, dumbfuck.