Lately I see a lot of calls do have specific instances defederated for a particular subset of reasons:

  • Don’t like their content
  • Dont like their political leaning
  • Dont like their free speech approach
  • General feeling of being offended
  • I want a safe space!
  • This instance if hurting vulnerable people

I personally find each and every one of these arguments invalid. Everybody has the right to live in an echo chamber, but mandating it for everyone else is something that goes a bit too far.

Has humanity really developed into a situation where words and thoughts are more hurtful than sticks and stones?

Edit: Original context

Controversial topic, feel free to discuss!

  • @goat
    -31 year ago

    Has humanity really developed into a situation where words and thoughts are more hurtful than sticks and stones?

    Just Americans want this stuff. It’s a part of their culture.

    • @kakes
      51 year ago

      Do y’all really think this is a cultural thing? This is a human thing - always has been. Why do you guys think we’ve been throwing the sticks and stones in the first place?

      • @goat
        -41 year ago

        bad argument. We’ve always been shitting on the ground yet now we use toilets.

    • 🐱TheCat
      21 year ago

      Overly simplistic take. In the USA you can carry around nazi flags and heil hitler if you want. Not so in Europe.

      I’m not arguing our approach is better, but ‘just Americans want this stuff’ is too simple to be correct.

      • @goat
        -21 year ago

        Yeah, Neo-Nazism is unfortunately global, and not entirely caused by the us alone.

        But Hastur’s point was that there are too many safespaces.

    • HasturOPM
      11 year ago

      It’s not the first time I encountered this and unfortunately I can say: It’s becoming a European thing as well.

      • @goat
        01 year ago

        Americanisation is global.

        • HasturOPM
          11 year ago

          Let’s accepts this as given, it takes us to the question: Why?

          I mean early globalisation brought us Donutsz McDonald’s, Coke and an obesity pandemic, fine.

          But why and when did this trend start to demand safe spaces everywhere?

          • @goat
            21 year ago

            There are a few different reasons, and it depends on the safespaces. Some safespaces are financially incentivised.

            Really it’s the media people consume. Also doesn’t help that yanks assume everyone they talk to is from their country.